TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Res. 20, 23, 24. 1846. 115 [No. 20.] - Join: Resolution directing the Payment of certain Volunteers and Militia, Mg- 8, 1846· under the Limitatiarn therein prescribed. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United . States of Ameriea in (1'ongress assembled, That the Secretary of War wg°’“°;¥,e:,°lg:; be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to cause to be paid, out ,,,d”,,c,,,,d;,,,,, of the appropriation made by the act providing for the prosecution of service under M- rhe existing war between the United States of America and the ‘§§m;f,°Gb:°;2Ql Republic of Mexico, approved the thirteenth day of May, one thousand out of the approeight hundred and forty-six, to the volunteers and militia, called and *;*8%** °r actually received, by virtue of the orders of General E. P. Gaines, a,{,,u§’,,_g_` into the service of the United States, during the present year, and discharged before joining the army, and such companies as were actually organized and rendezvoused under said call, including the two companies of Major Gally’s command, and the company at Baton Rouge arsenal ; and also the company of Misissippi volunteers, (Natchez Fencibles,) and also the company of Mississippi volunteers, (Pontotoc Rovers,) organized and assembled at Vicksburg, and alterwards disbanded or discharged, and the companies of Ohio volunteers assembled at camp Washington, near Cincinnati, and who claim to have been mustered into service, one day’s pay and allowances for every day detained in service, and the usual travelling allowances, and no more. And further, that where States or individuals have paid the 'Where individuexpenses or provided the means of tfansportation of volunteers to the ;1f,§;§;‘£',;‘;f place of rendezvous, and furnished subsistence or clothing, the pro- provided umuportional amount thus furnished to each man, not exceeding the legal K°¥:**:g¤»b°"·;: allowance to each, may be charged on the pay rolls, and withheld, and {sue, paid to the State or individual who actually provided the same. And _ further, that, when surgeons and assistanbsurgeons have attended of (5g12g;;;?:? regiments of volunteers to the time when medical officers duly mum: out-- appointed by the United States entered upon their duties with said 8?°¤°€“d *;*;,8** regiments, they may receive the same rate of compensation, and to a $,*:;,,,2;,,0; like number, as provided for by law; and persons doing-the duties of mimricsassistant quartermasters and assistant oommissaries, under like circumstances, may in like manner receive the same rate of compensation, and to a like number, as authorized by existing law. Approved, August 8, 1846. [No. 23.] -.6 Resolution appointing Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Ang. 10, 1846. Resolved by the Senate and House of llepresentatiues of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Rufus Choate, of Mas- S ¥a§°¤*? °f;h• sachusetts, Gideon Hawley, of New York, Richard Rush, of Penn- ,QT,u:°,{"°° °` sylvania, William C. Preston, of South Carolina, and Alexander Dal- Ame,p.10:s. las Bache and Joseph G. Totten, residents of the city of Washington, be, and the same are hereby, appointed regents of the Smithsonian Institution, in accordance with the provisions of the act establishing said institution. Approved, August 10, 1846. [1%.24.]- nnesoznwa nmsu to nvm and rajeeru mum in certain smeys, MK- ’°· *8*5 Plate, and Field Note:. ""i""" Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Commissioner States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of g;HG°“i") I·’“`*d the General Land Office be, and he is hereby, authorized to employ ,.;¤°:,m:g::§;:
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