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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/145

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TWENTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 5. 1847. 119 herein specified, the faith of the United States is hereby solemnly led ed. P Sago. 3. And be it fizrtker enacted, That the said treasury notes _Nme¤, how shall be prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Treas— “‘g“°d·&°· ury, and shall be signed, on behalf of the United States, by the treasurer thereof, and countersigned by the register of the treasury; and that those officers respectively shall, as checks upon each other, and to secure the public safety, keep separate, full, and accurate accounts Accounts who of the number, date, denomination, and amount, of all the notes k°p" signed and couutersigned by them respectively, which said account shall be entered in a book or books, to be provided for that purpose, and carefully preserved in the treasury department; and also similar accounts, kept and preserved in the sarne._manner, of all the said notes redeemed, as the same shall be returned and cancelled; and the treasurer shall further account, quarterly, for all such notes delivered to him for signature or issue by the register. The treasurer and register of the treasury are hereby authorized, by and with the Additional consent and approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury, to employ f;;‘;‘“ *‘“”’°" such additional temporary clerks as the duties enjoined upon them by this act may render necessary : Provided, Said number shall not exceed tive, and with a salary of not more than at the rate of twelve hundred dollars to each per annum. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treas- May be issued ury is hereby authorized, with the approbation of the President of the *0 °”‘l‘”°"“· United States, to cause to be issued such portion of the said treasury notes as the President may think expedient in payment of debts due by the United States, to such public creditors, or other persons, as may choose to receive such notes in payment, as aforesaid, at par. And the Secretary of the Treasury is further authorized, with the Maybepledgcd. approhation of the President of the United States, to borrow from time to time such sums as the President may think expedient on the credit of such notes: Provided, however, That no treasury notes BM ¤<>* Fvr shall be pledged, hypothecated, sold, or disposed of in any wise for ms than P"' any purpose whatever, directly or indirectly, for any sum less than the amount of such notes, including the principal and interest thereon when disposed oil Sec. 5. And be it further emitted, That the said treasury notes How transfershdl be transferable, by delivery and assignment endorsed thereon, ****1*** by the person to whose order the same shall on the face thereof have been made payable. Sec. 6. And be it fizrtker enacted, That the said treasury notes To be receiy· shall be received in payment of all duties and taxes laid by the g3lj°J°'dlP“bh° authority of the United States, of all public lands sold by the said ' authority, and of all debts to the United States of any character whatsoever, which may be due and payable at the time when said treasury notes may be so offered in payment; and on every such payment credit shall be given for the amount of the principal and interest which, on the day of such payment, may be due on the note or notes thus given in payment. Sec. 7. And be it jiu-they- enacted, That every collector, receiver On payment,:: of public moneys, or other officer or agent of the United States, shall, ;‘;;‘*‘P‘ ‘° b° “" on the receipt of any treasury notes in payment for the government, ' take from the holder thereof a receipt on the back of each of said notes, stating distinctly the date, and the amount received ; and shall keep, according to such forms as shall be prescribed by the Secretary and entry made. of the Treasury, entries of whom received, the number, date, and respective amounts of principal and interest of each and every treasury note thus received; and on delivering the same to the treasury shall receive credit for the amount paid as prescribed by the last section : Provided, no error shall appear.