120 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 5. 1847. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the·Secretary of the Treasp,y,,,,,,,t_ ury be, and he rs. hereby, authorized and directed to cause to bg rermplursed and paid the principal and interest of the treasury notes whic may be issued by virtue of this act at the several- time and times when the same, according to the prowiisions of this act, should u1g¤r<=h¤¤by be thus reimbursed and paid. And the said Secretary is further 'apthlonzed toarlnakg purchasis of th; said notes at par for the amount 0 the prmcrp an interest ue at the time of purchase on such notes. Appropriation And so much of unappropriated money in the treasury as may be
- `¤¤‘ P¤Y¤¤¤¤*· necessary for thatpurpose is hereby appropriated for paying the prin.
cipal and interest of said notes. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall falsely Penalty rar make, forge, or counterfeit,__or cause or procure to be falsely made, {g;g‘gn§' °g*;*· forged, or counterfeited, or willingly aid or assist in falsely making, said ,,,,,_,,;_ °’ forging, or counterfeiting; any note in imitation of or purporting to be, a treasury note aforesaid, or shall falsely alter, or cause or procure to be falsély altered, or willingly aid or assist in falsely altering, any treasury note issued as aforesaid, or shall pass, utter, or publish, or pttgmptii to pass, utter, or publish as true, any false, forged, or countgr erte noteiopufrporlting to be a treasury note as aforesaid, knowing Ore sgmeh to te a se yfagorged or counterfeited, or shall pass, utter, n.é’.`$n§” af; JSSLMEZ nf$.’I °i“"Si‘l "‘3““" “°“° 'iT“°d “"’ “"iISG“F’ se y ere , every suc person s e deemed and adjudged guilty of felon and be` there ft d by due course of law, shall be sentencdd to be iidgrisoned aiidnlidptetd hard labor for a period not less than three years nor more than ten years, and to be fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. Pennny nn Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall make
Zsgllfgygé or engrave, or cause or procure to be made or engraved, or shall have
pm,) ,+;,,,7 Oy in his custody or possession any metallic plate engraved after the said notes. srmilrtude of any plate from which any notes issued as aforesaid shall have been printed, with` intent t0_ use such plate, or cause or suffer the same to be used in forging or counterfeiting any of the notes issued as aforesaid, or shall have in-his custody or possession any blank note (pr noites engravegx and printed after the simrhtude of any notes rssue as a oresar , wit intent to use such blanks or cause or suffer the same to be used in forging or counterfeiting any of the notes 1S:11;da3; tgfgrepardri or shall have in his custody or possession any fain nf i.e.`}..?.; Eli"}? °f{.‘°‘“ ·°“d §‘““*lC§ *°."‘° £’“"°’ ""°i ave een issue , wr in ent ouse suc paper or cause or suffer the same to be usedfcounterfeiting any of the notes issued as aforesaid, evdiy sdglrnirciilson being thereof convicted by due course of law, shall be sentenced to be imprrsoned, and kept to hard labor, for a term not less than three nor
- 12:6 tllml fen years, and fined in a sum not exceeding five th0\1S&¤d
o ars. thSegrretary or Sec. 11. And be it farther enacted, That the Secretary of the mgkg r§;’:"gLci·° TIBKSUYY bc, and he is hereby, authorized to make and issllc, YFOm ' ’ time to time, such instructions, rules, and regulations to the several collectors, receivers of public money, depositaries, and all others who may be authorized to receive the said treasury notes on behalf of and as agents in any capacity for the United States, as to the safe-keeprng, disposition, return, and cancelling of the said notes so paid to gtrgicigig bg them, respectively, and°as to their accounts and calcul t d 0 Gpaltmcut of such receipts as may seem to him l>8Si ae to promote the public interests and convenience, and sapsiupe the United States and the holders of the notes against fraud osses. Reims SEC: 12. And_be it further enacted, That, in lieu of the D0¢¢¤ · authorized by this act which may be redeemed, other notes may be