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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/153

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 16. 1847. 127 For pensions to widows and orphans, under the act of the fourth of Pensions to July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, two hundred and “:d°**¤ md °*’· Efty-eight thousand dollars. P {xg, Cb_ 36E_ For pensions to widows, under the act of the seventh of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and the acts supplementary 1838,cb. 189- thereto, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars. For pensions to widows, under the act of the third of March, one 1843, ch- 102. thousand eight hundred and forty-three, fitiy-six thousand dollars. For pensions to widows, under the act of the seventeenth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, four hundred and eighty 1844, ch. 102. thousand dollars. For hallipay pensions to widows and orphans, payable through the _H¤lFp¤y fcnthird auditor’s office, five thousand five hundred dollars. :f,l"0,;°,m‘;; °‘" For arrearages prior to July first, one thousand eight hundred and Ammgcé. fifteen, payable through the third auditor’s office, one thousand dollars. Srzc. 2. And be itfurtlaer enacted, That from and after the passage com umm of this act, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to make such t,,,,,,,,,K,°,,,g,,,,t_,, compensation to agents for paying pensions as may be just and rea- Gwsonable, to be paid out of the fund appropriated for the payment of revolutionary pensions, but in no case to exceed two per centum· on moneys disbursed by them; the said compensation to be in full for all their services, and any contingent expenses that may arise in the discharge of their official duties, books, printing, and stationery excepted: Provided, That the amount of compensation allowed to any Provinone pension agent shall not exceed one thousand dollars per annum: And, provided further, That the Secretary of War shall so regulate the remittances made to pension agents as to prevent an undue ac- B°—le¤¢*=* ¤<>¢ cumulation of balances in their bands. to u°um“m°` Arpnovzo, February 20, 1847. Cru?. XVI. —An Act to regulate the Carriage ofPasscnger.s· in Merchant Vessels. Feb. 22, 1847. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqrresentatives of the lgggt élh United States of America in Congress assembled, That if the master Nami,,.,,},,- ` of any vessel owned in whole or in part by a citizen of the United sengers wm States of America, or by a citizen of any foreign country, shall take :;”,db°0,l°1;;:·:,‘: on board such vessel, at any foreign port or place, a greater number of limited. passengers than in the following proportion to the space occupied by them and appropriated for their use, and unoccupied by stores, or 1848, ch. 41,5 10. other goods, notbeing the personal luggage of such passengers, that is to say, on the lower deck or platform one passenger for every fourteen clear superficial feet of deck, if such vessel is not to pass within the tropics during such voyage; but if such vessel is to pass within the tropics during such voyage, then one passenger for every twenty such clear superficial feet of deck, and on_the orlop deck (if any) one passenger for every thirty such superficial feet in all cases, with intent to bring such passengers to the United States of America, and shall leave such port or place with the same, and bring the same or any number thereof, within the jurisdiction of the United States aforesaid, or if any such master of vessel shall take on board of his vessel, at any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States aforesaid, any greater number of passengers than the proportions aforesaid admit, with intent to carry the same to any foreign port or place, every such master shall be deemed guilty of s. misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof ‘ before any circuit or district court of the United States aforesaid, shall, P¤¤¤|¢y-