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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/154

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128 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 17. 1847. for each passenger taken on board beyond the above proportions, be lined in the sum of fifty dollars, and may also be imprisoned for any term not exceeding one year: Provided, That this act shall not be Pmvise. construed to permit any ship or vessel to carry more than two pas. sengers to five tons of such ship or vessel. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if the passengers so taken vessels having on board of such vessel, and brought into or transported from the ¤¤ MM *w°¤*Y United States aforesaid, shall exceed the number limited by the last

 section to the number of twenty in the whole, such vessel shall be

1irpit¤d,t¤b<>f¤r- forfeited to_the United States aforesaid, and be prosecuted and dis. f°“°d· tributed as forfeitures are under the act to regulate duties on imports and tonua e. . Sec. 3. gAnd be it further enacted, That if any such vessel as afore- Tiers ofberths said shall have more than two tiers of berths, or in case, in such ves- 2:*;* aggwd sel, the interval between the door and the deck or platform beneath P gshall not be at least six inches, and the berths well constructed, or in case the dimensions of such berths shall not be at least six feet in length, and at least eighteen inches in width, for each passenger as aforesaid, then the master of said vessel, and the owners thereof, severally, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each and every P¤¤¤l¢Y· passenger on board of said vessel on such voyage, to be recovered by the United States as aforesaid, in any Circuit or District Court of the United States where such vessel may arrive, or from which she sails. Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That, for the purposes of this Children how act, it shall in all cases be computed that two children, each being "°°k°“"’d· under the age of eight years, shall be equal to one passenger, and Pest, I3. 149. that children under the age of one year shall not be included in the computation of the number of passengers. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the amount of the several _Penalties to be penalties imposed by this act shall be liens on the vessel or vessels LEQSAQQ the "°“' violating its provisions; and such vessel may be libelled and sold 'therefor in the district court of the United States aforesaid in which such vessel shall arrive. Approved, February 22, 1847. Feb. 22, 1847. Cnar. XVII.·-Jln Act to regulate the Exercise of the appellate Jurisdiction -——-·—····· glgzszuprcmc Court of the United State:, in certain Cases, and for other Jurisdiction of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives if the °“**’· United States of America in Congress assembled, That all and singu- R,,,,,,.d,, md lar the records of the proceedings in the several cases which were proceedings in pending in the superior courts [of the] late Territory of Florida, under ggrlfmsiizaféz lg and by virtue of the act of Congress of the twenty-third of May, Sighthe District Court teen hundred and twenty-eight, entitled "An Act Supplementary to the gcthpiggigé fg;. several Acts providing for the Settlement and Confirmation of private Flu;-ida, Lund Claims in Florida," and under and by virtue of an act entitled 1828, ch- 70- "An Act to providefor the final Settlement of Land Claims in 1830,ch. 106. Florida," approved twenty-sixth May, eighteen hundred and thirty, and in the several cases which were pending in the Court of Appeals of the same Territory, on the third day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and all and singular the records of the proceedings in the several cases in which judgments or decrees had been rendered in the said courts on or before that day, and from which writs of error could have been sued out or appeals could have been taken, or from which writs of error had been