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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/157

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 20. 1847. 131 such cases after the third of March, eighteen hundred and forty-five, but the same may be referred to said Supreme Court for its decision in all said cases on such writ of error or appeal. Ammoven, February 22, 1847. Cru?. XX. — An Act to cslablish a Court at Key West, in the Stale of Flvrida, Fcb_ Q3, ]347_ andfar other Purposes. --——---·- Be it enacted by the Senate and House 1f Representatives of the Supplementary United Slales of America in Congress assembled, That all that part im: P°‘“{ P- 132 ol` the State of Florida lying south of a line drawn due east and west Southern Diafrom the northern point of Charlotte Harbor, including the islands, mct _°*` *`l°'*d° keys, reefs, shoals, harbors, bays and inlets, south of said line, shall established` be erected into a new judicial district, to be called the Southern District of Florida ; a District Court shall be held in said Southern District, District Court. to consist of one judge, who shall reside at Key West, in said district, and be called a district judge; and shall in all things have and exercise the jurisdiction and powers of a District and Circuit Court of the Juri¤<iicti¤¤· United States within the district aforesaid; and appeals may be al— lowed and writs of error sued out and made returnable in the Supreme Court, in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as appeals and writs of error are allowed and sued. out from and to a Circuit Court. The judge shall appoint a clerk, who shall reside and UMK- keep the records of the court at the place of holding the same; and shall receive for the services he may perform the same fees to which the clerk of the Louisiana District is entitled for similar services. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the judge of said district $€¤i¤¤¤ 0W1G shall hold two regular terms of court in each year at Key West; the °°'m' one commencing on the first Monday in May, the other, on the first Monday of November in each year. He shall also hold extra sessions Eim ¤¢*S?°¤¤- of said court from time to time, at such places in said district as oecasion may require, to despatch the business of said court; and, for the purpose of hearing and deciding all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction, the said court shall be at all times open. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That no vessel, nor master there- _ Wreckerst0be 0iQ shall be regularly employed in the business of wrecking on the l*°°“'°d- coast of Florida without the license of the judge of said court; and, before licensing any vessel or master, the judge shall be satisfied that the vessel is seaworthy, and properly and sufficieutly Btted and equipped for the business of saving property shipwreoked and in distress; and that the master thereof is trustworthy, and innocent of any fraud or misconduct in relation to any property shipwrecked or saved on said coast. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed to qompemuoa the judge aforesaid an annual salary of two thousand dollars, to be paid °*`.I¤d8¤· to him quarterly from the time of his appointment. Sec. 5. And be itjbrther enacted, That there shall be appointed in District mar. said district a person learned in the law, to act as attorney for the ”°{m;g b° "l’° United States, who shall, in addition to his stated fees, be paid by the P0 ` United States two hundred dollars as a full compensation for all extra Pay. services. Sec. 6. And be itfinrther enacted, That there shall be appointed in Menlwi W b¢ Bald district a marshal, who shall perform the same duties, be Subject °Pp°""'°d‘ to the same regulations and penalties, and be entitled to the same fees as are allowed to marshals in the District of Louisiana, and shall, moreover, be entitled to the sum of two hundred dollars annually, as Pva compensation for all extra services. Sec. 7. And 5: it further enacted, That the provisions of the act