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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/156

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130 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 17. 1847. eases for suing Territory of Florida from which writs of error could have been sued ¤¤twri¤i_¤f¤rr¤r our or appeals could have been taken to the Court of Appeals of said

'Qg,,tT1§'§`,§ §§f Territory, or to the Supreme Court of the United States under the

preme Court U. laws which were in force on the third day of March, in the year of ““"· our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-tive, and in which writs of error have not hitherto been sued out or appeals have not hitherto been taken, there shall be allowed to the parties in the said cases the term of one year, from and after the passing of this act, for suing out such writs of error or taking such appeals to the SupremeCourt of the United States, which shall have jurisdiction to review the same. Transfer ot Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That any unfinished business °¤“¤****°d l>“*i· or proceedings now remaining or pending before the judse of the rress_ and pro- . Q · . . ¤ ceedmgs. superior court at ct. Augustine, as a commissioner under and by virtue of the “Act for the Relief of certain Inhabitants of East Flori- 183°’>°}‘· 87* da," approved twenty-sixth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, or under any other act granting special powers, or imposing special duties upon said judge be, and the same are hereby, transferred to the judge of the District Court of the District of Florida, to be proceeded in and finished, or decided, in the same manner provided for by law; and the said district judge shall have, exercise, and possess, the same duties, powers, and rights, which have by virtue of the act of twenty-sixth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-four aforesaid, or otherwise, been possessed and exercised by the said judge of the superior court at St. Augustine, so far as may be necessary to enable the said district judge to determine and finish any matter, business, or -proceedings now pending and undetermined before the judge of the superior court aforesaid, by virtue of any such specia} act. T2? P*<>°i¤i;g¤ Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all and singular, the pro- Kgpjiézbjgmjo ° visions of this act, so far as may be, shall be, and they are hereby, cases pending in made applicable to all cases which were pending in the supreme or g‘;°,j’,‘;:E,gf *}‘° other superior courts of and for the late Territory of Michigan at the y of . . . . , , Michigan. time said Territory was admitted as a. State mto the Union, and to all cases in which judgments or decrees have been rendered in said supreme or superior court of said late Territory of Michigan, and not hitherto removed as aforesaid by writ of error or appeal. _other cases Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That in all cases pending lll

 {gtk; any of the superior courts of said Territory of Florida, or in the Court

Di trict Court rar of Appeals of said Territory, on the third day of March, eighteen hungv _£*¤¤l¤¤ 0F dred and forty·live, and not legally transferred to the State courts of °”the State of Florida, and which said territorial courts continued to hold cognizance ot] and proceeded to determine after said day, or which are claimed to have been since pending therein as courts of the United States; and in all cases of federal character, and jurisdiction commenced in said territorial courts alter said day, and in which judgments or decrees were rendered, or which are claimed to have been since pending therein, the records and proceedings thereof, and the judgments or decrees therein are hereby transferred to the District Court of the United States for the District of Florida; and writs of Wm, Op ,,,,,0, error and appeals may be taken by either party to remove the judgand appeals. ments or decrees that have been, or may be, rendered in such cases unto the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Supreme Court t · they hear and decide such cases on such writ of error or appeal, Hlld Limimion of issue its mandate to said District Court: Pr·ooid.·;d, however, Such writ °“° y°"‘ of error or appeal shall be taken within one year from the passage of this act, or one year from the rendition of such judgment or decree _ hereafter rendered: And provided, also, That nothing in this act or u£:g;g¤¢¤¤¤ shall be construed as affirming or disaflirming the jurisdiction, power, or authority of the territorial judges to proceed in, or try, or determine