TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 31. 1847. 145 For removal and subsistence of said Indians, stipulated in the sixth article of said treaty, sixty thousand dollars. To the C/ierukus. -—For indemnity to the treaty party for losses Cherokeevin and expenses incurred in consequence of the treaty of eighteen hun- d°““”'Y· dred and thirty-five, stipulated in the sixth article of the treaty of sixth August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. For payment to the Cherokee nation for a printing-press, materials, Printing·pre••. and other property destroyed, stipulated in the eighth article of said treaty, two thousand dollars. For indemnity to those whose arms were taken from them, previous Arms. to their removal west, same article of said treaty, five thousand dollars. For payment of this sum, being in lieu of all claims of the Chero- Claim;, kee nation, as a nation, prior to the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-tive, same article of said treaty, twenty thousand dollars. For expenses of removal of Choctaws from the State of Mississippi, E nm N, and for their subsistence for twelve months thereafter, in addition to ;·gm:$:]_ former appropriations, seventy-four thousand seven hundred and fifty- one dollars. For payment of interest, in lien of investment, on seventy-five thou- lnwmt sand dollars, at live per centum per annum, to the Seneca Indians of New York, from the first of July, eighteen hundred and l`orty-six, to 1846, 0h_ M thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, stipulated in the act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. F or interest on the amounts awarded Choctaw claimants, under the Choctaw cmu_ fourteenth article of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, of the twenty- ants. seventh September, eighteen hundred and thirty, for lands on which they resided, but which it is now impossible to give them, and in lieu of the scrip that has been awarded under the act of twenty-third August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, not deliverable east, by the 1m,ch_16 third section of the said law, per act of third of March, eighteen hundred and forty·§ve, for the year eighteen hundred and forty-seven, 1845, qh_72_ forty-three thousand six hundred dollars. To make good the interest on investments in State stocks and ,,,,,,e_, 0,, im bonds for various Indian tribes, not yet paid by the States, to be reim- vestmenu in bursed out of the interest when collected, nineteen thousand five hun- §:j_°_;“°°*’ mi dred and thirty-four dollars and nine cents. ` To make good the interest on investments in State stocks and bonds Same subject. for the Chickasaw tribe of Indians, not yet paid by the States, to be reimbursed out of the interest when collected, fourteen thousand nine hundred and sixty-three dollars and twenty-six cents. For the reappropropriation of this sum, (carriedto the surplus fund,) Rea m M_ stipulated to be paid to the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies ,j,,,;nPg,,,,f;d,,, in consideration of a change of boundary of the country ceded to said tion ¤f change vt tribes at the treaty of Chicago, concluded on the twenty-sixth and b°“”d“'7* twenty-seventh days of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, per supplementary article to said treaty, ten thousand dollars. For the reappropriation of this sum, (carried to the surplus fund,) to R 3 , meet payments to certain Cherokee Indians for improvements aban· t,,,,,€;,,l,°ilir,:,°,l,;r,i;’,i,,_ doned, under the treaty of sixth May, eighteen hundred and twenty- ments abandoneight, three hundred and forty-three dollars and sixty cents. °d‘ Approved, March 1, 1847. Von. IX. Pcs. -—— 19
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