146 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32. 1847. March 1, 1847 Crrnr. XXXI1.— An Act to establish a Land Office in the northern Part of Michi- ·····‘·"‘_" gan, and to provide for the Sale of mineral Lands in the State of Michigan. Be it enactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in (bngress assembled, That all that portion Lake Superior of the public lands in the State of Michigan lying north of the boun- 1***** d““l°‘· daries of the Saganaw and Grand River land districts in said State, - commonly called the northern peninsula of the State of Michigan with the islands in Lakes Superior, Huron, and Michigan, and in Green Bay, the Straits of Michilimackinac, and the River St Mary’s, within the jurisdiction of said State, be, and the same are hereby, included in a land district, to be called the Lake Superior Land District; and for the sale of the lands in said district, there shall be a land office established at such point therein as the President of the United States may select. Secretary of Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treas- £":::“;Y e0?;"}} ury shall cause a geological examination and survey of the lands em- ,,,] cxmiineuin braced in said district to be made and reported to the Commissioner Md NW6? of the General Land Office. And the President is hereby authorized Mine,-ai ind, to cause such of said lands as may contain copper, lead, or other vall¤°V•'·¤°ld· uable ores, to be exposed to sale, giving six months' notice of the times and places of sales in such newspapers of general circulation, in the several States, as he may deem expedient, with a brief description of the lands to be offered ; showing the number and localities of the mines known, the probability of discovering others, the quality of the ores, the facilities of working the mines, and the means and expense of transporting their products to the principal markets in the United Other l=¤¤d¤· States. And all the lands embraced in said district, not reported as aforesaid, shall be sol.d in the same manner as other lands under the laws now in force for the sale of the public lands, excepting and reserving from such sales section sixteen in each township for the use of schools, and such reservations as the President shall deem necessary for public uses. All persons in Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all those persons who are ggmzlndgfcggggé in possession, by actual occupancy, of any portion of the district dcrrdm secretary or scribed in the first section of this act, under authority of a lease from 2::;; ;;*5wP;;· the Secretary of War, for the purpose of mining thereon, and who mm or-I,,,_,€_have fully complied with all the conditions and stipulations of said lease, may enter and purchase the same at any time during the continuance of such lease, to the extent of such' lease, and no less, by paying to the United States therefor at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per acre: Provided, That said entry and purchase shall be made to include the original survey of such lease, as near as may be, conforming to the lines of the public surveys of sections and sub-divim5¢¤:;¤:“ma“¤:·— sions thereof And all those persons who are in possession, by actual for mining? pu; occupancy, of any of said lands, for mining purposes, under authority poses, under per. of a written permit from the Secretary of War, and who have visible
- }:2 TY landmarks and muniments as boundaries thereon, and who have, in
herding unda; all other respects, complied with the conditions and stipulations con- 1¤¤¤¢·=- tained in such permit, may enter and purchase the same, to the extent of the tract selected by them and reported to the Secretary of War, as required by said permit, and no less, in the same manner as those who hold under leases, and at the same price: Provided, such entry and purchase be made before the day said lands shall be offered I 0*~l¤¤;1 P¢¤’¤<>¤¤ for sale by order of the President. And all those persons who shall g,,:" °°°up°" be ID possession, by actual occupancy, of a mine or mines actually discovered before the passage of this act, and who shall pay the same per centum of rents as those who hold under leases, as aforesaid, shall be permitted to enter and purchase one section of land, and not less,