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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/42

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16 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I Ch. 26. 1846. tinrre present the present mail service in Texas, established under its former laws, .,“},‘;2w°°"'°° "1 upon any of the foregoing routes, as he may deem expedient, -- not, Post, p. 110. • however, for a longer period than the thirtleth June, eighteen hundred and fifty, -— and to make contracts for the appropriate mail service on any of the foregoing routes, either without advertisement, where the same can be erected at. rates of compensation not exceeding the average prices for like service m the other States of this Union, or upon advertisementsbfor la less period than twelve weeks, as he shall deem best for the pu ic interests. _ Postmaster- Sec. 3. And be itjiartlaer enacted, That the Postmaster—General be, °°ll°g;‘t¥;,l:,'g and he is hereby, authorized to pay mail contractors in Texas for sermlll , in Texas for ser- vice duly performed by them since the sixteenth day of I February, 'l°° P°’*`°m°d· eighteen hundred and forty-six, and also officers employed in supermtending the mail service: Provided, however, That such payment shall U°mP°¤¤°*l°¤· in no case exceed the compensation agreed upon with the late author- P<>¤¤¤¤~¤t¤r¤ M ities of Texas: Provided, also, That the several postmasters in Texas, account to U. S. - I f T h ll d I t t d appointed by the ate government o exas, s a u y accoun o an pay over to the Postmaster-General of the United States all balances accruing at their offices, respectively, from and after said sixteenth of February, eighteen hundred and forty-six; that is, all money collected, or to be collected, for postages at their offices, respectively, after deducting the commissions allowed by the law to postrnasters in the Uni- Pmmmm in ted States. And it is hereby enacted and declared to be the duty. of Texas to account said persons and postmasters as aforesaid, in Texas, to account for €°' 5;** ;**Y“‘;.‘;'; and pay over to said Postmaster-General of the United States all said tg,,;;;,,,,`;? an balances, in the manner and to the extent required by the laws of the b¤1¤¤v<>s,&·¤- United States of the several postmasters m the United States; and the like remedies and means of collecting, and enforcing collection, by suit or otherwise, of said balances, are hereby granted, as now exist by law against the postmasters of the United States. The same mR¤'*;, rates of postage are to be charged and collected in Texas as in other sax, M in 0,;,,, States of this Union; and all laws concerning the post-office depart- States. L ment, and regulations thereof, are hereby declared to have full effect ,c;ie(?,‘w°,IY;,‘f,’;: apd opesation in said State from and after said sixteenth of February a oresai . Repeal or Act Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the act establishing certain gb¥*‘*,f»°*'·6·"S‘ post routes in Texas, approved the sixth of February,-anno Domini is in post . . . ,,,,,,,,,,,$pc,,,,_ eigpteen hundrigd age; ftpgsygsix, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. PPROVED, ay , . May 29, 1846. Cru?. XXVI. —An .0et in Relation to the July Term. of the Circuit and District 1850, ch. 31. n Courts in the District of Ohio. Ju? mm 9; Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives if the gifs-m`¢L;r'; is United States of America in Congress assembled, That the .luly term 0,,§°d M0,,d,,,,°,,p of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, in the District July, annually. of Ohio, shall hereafter be held on the third Monday of July, annualt_Pr¤lgsi<>n for ly: Provided, That all actions, suits, appeals, recognizances, proces-

 °‘*“°" ses, writs, and proceedings whatever, pending or which may be pendmgm said courts, or returnable to the term as it now exists, shall

have day therein, and be heard, tried,proceeded with, and disposed ot, at the term as fixed by this act. Approved, May 29, 1846