TWENTY- NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 28, 29. 1846. 17 Cin?. XXVIII.- An An making dlzerutimwin the Pay Department of the Army. -l¤¤¤ V7, 18*% Ba it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Cimgress assembled, That the President Three additionof the United States he, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the EL ¥;“Y"{°:;°,,” ‘° advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint three additional pay- PW u ` masters, to be attached to the pay department of the army. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers appointed in Duties, ¢omvirtue of this act shall perform the same duties, receive the same pay penmicn, Sec. and allowances, as the present paymasters of the army, and shall, in like manner, be subject to the rules and articles of war; and previous to entering upon the duties of their office, shall give such bonds to the Bond, O,-_ United States as the Secretary of War may direct, for the faithful performance of their duties. Approved, June 17, 1846. Crm?. XXIX. -.01: Act supplemental to an Act entitled **.3n Act providing for the June 18, 1848. fresecutizm of the existing War between the United States and the Republic qf.M¤· zoo," and for other Purpose:.' Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Presi- One mrgongendent of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized to appoint, SE 1 ¤;:° by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, one major-general alsto befspointand two brigadier-generals, in addition to the present military estab- ¢d· lishruent: Provided, That when the war with Mexico shall be terminated by a definitive treaty of peace, duly concluded and ratified, the number of major-generals in the army shall be reduced to one, and Reduction 0, the number of brigadier-generals shall be reduced to two; and the ¢¤¤¢¥¤¤i<>¤ ¤f President of the United States is authorized and directed to select from PR"' the whole number which may then be in office, without regard to the date of their commissions, the number to be retained, and cause the remainder to be discharged nom the service of the United States. mg? °° °° Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United pmident a,,, States be, and he hereby is, authorized to call into the service, under tlwrized t6 call the act approved May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, such °;;E:;;g°’g,. of the general officers of the militia as the service, in his opinion, may the militia. require, and to organize into brigades and divisions the forces authorized by said act, according to his discretion. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the field and staff of a sepa- ;.·,e;d and my- rate battalion of volunteers, under the said act, shall be one lieutenant- of _¤¤p¤¤w b¤¢· colonel or major, one adjutant, with the rank of lieutenant, one ser· :;2;"e,2b,QL$` geant-major, one quartermaster-sergeant, and a chief bugler or princi- ` pal musician, according to corps. St-:0. 4. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United Number 0;-,,,.;, States may limit the privates in any volunteer company, according to rms in ¤ comhis discretionfat from sixty-four to one hundred; and that with every P°°y' _ _ volunteer company an additional second lieutenant may be allowed Sc€:,d’dg;t$;‘:f 3Dd 3CC€pE€t'l. ant allowed; Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That when volunteers or militia ,;,;,;;,,0,,,; (,,5. are called into the service of the United States in such numbers that ¢¤¤·¤ of we quuthe `ollicers of the quartermaster, commissary, and medical depart- :f;,¢y°?;Ld§°;f ments, authorized by law, be not suflzicnent to provide for supplying, ical departments quartering, transporting, and furnishing them with the requisite medi- *;,**7 be °°P°i°'· cal attendance, it shall be lawful for the President to appoint, with the ` advice and consent of the Senate, as many additional officers of said departments as the service may require, not exceeding one quartermaster and one commissary for each brigade, with the rank of major, and one Von. IX. PUB.-3
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