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DX612 at .011.
393. Branch understood the Google-Samsung RSA to be a roadblock to its distribution, as linking to websites could conflict with the agreement. See Tr. at 2908:18–2909:2 (Austin). Although Samsung eventually did preinstall Discovery on certain devices, its functionality was diminished. See id. at 2910:21-22, 2921:2-8 (Austin) (“Samsung implemented a number of severe product restrictions based on this concept of linking to the web.”). Branch was limited to a predetermined list of applications so that Samsung could ensure those applications did not link to the web. Id. at 2910:23–2911:9 (Austin). These restrictions affected Branch’s ability to monetize Discovery because monetization was driven by user access. Id. at 2912:22–2913:20 (Austin).
394. Following this episode, the newly negotiated 2020 Google-Samsung RSA included an amended definition of “Alternative Search Service” as “any web or on-device search service (including on-device search that incorporates multiple vertical search functionalities) that offers functionality that is similar to Google Search.” JX71 at 394.
395. AT&T also considered installing Branch’s technology. Ultimately, it decided not to partner with Branch after Google refused to clarify whether such a partnership would run afoul