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A Catalogue of the Ambassages,

29 The voyage of Arthur Edwards Agent for the Moscouy company, Iohn Sparke, Laurence Chapman, Christopher Faucet, and Richard Pingle, seruants, into Persia, An. 1568. 389.
30 The voyage of Thomas Banister and Geffrey Ducket, Agents for the Moscouy Company, into Persia the fift time, Anno 1569. 394.
31 The voyage of William Burrough Captaine of 13. English ships to the Narue in Liefland, Anno 1570. 401.
32 The voyage of M. Anthony Ienkinson into Russia the fourth time, Anno 1571. 402.
33 The voyage of Christopher Burrough into Persia the sixt time, Anno 1579. 419.
34 The voyage of Arthur Pet and Charles Iackman, sent to discouer the Northeast seas beyond the Iland of Vaigats, Anno 1580. 445.
35 The voyage of Master Ierome Horsey ouer land from Mosco in Russia to England, Anno 1584. 469,470.
36 A voyage to the Northeast, performed by certaine Russes, and translated out of Sigismundus ab Herberstein. 492.
37 A voyage to Sibier and the Riuer of Ob, by land, declared in a letter written to Gerardus Mercator. 510,511, & 512.
38 The vanquishing of the Spanish Armada, Anno 1588. 591.
39 The honourable voyage to Cadiz, Anno 1596. 607.
¶ The Ambassages, Treatises, Priuiledges, Letters, and other obseruations, depending vpon the Voyages of this first Volume.
1 TWo testimonies of Galfridus Monumetensis in his history of the Kings of Brittaine, concerning the conquests of King Arthur. pagina. 1.
2 A testimony of M. Lambard in his 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, touching the right and appendances of the Crowne of the kingdome of Britaine. pag. 2.
3 A Chronicle of the Kings of Man, taken out of M. Camdens Chorographie. 10.
4 The ancient state of the shipping of the Cinque Ports. 17.
5 Libellus historicus Iohannis de Plano Carpini. 21.
6 Part of the great Charter graunted by King Edward the first, to the Barons of the Cinque Ports. 117.
7 The rolle of the huge Fleete of Edward the thirde before Caleis. 118.
8 The summe of expences layde out in the siege of Caleis. 121.
9 A note of Thomas Walsingham touching King Edward the thirde his huge Fleete of 1100. ships, wherewith he passed ouer vnto Caleis, Anno 1359. 121.
10 Certaine verses of Geffrey Chaucer, concerning the long Voyages, and valiant exploits of the English knights in his dayes. 124.
11 A testimonie out of Cornelius Tacitus, prouing London to haue bene a famous Mart-towne in the raigne of Nero the Emperour. 124.
12 A testimony out of venerable Beda, proouing London to haue bene a Citie of great traffique in his time. 125.
13 The league betweene Carolus Magnus and Offa King of Mercia, concerning the safe trade of English Merchants. 125.
14 An ancient testimony translated out of the olde Saxon Lawes, conteyning the aduancement of Merchants, for their thrice crossing the wide seas. 120.
15 A testimony of certaine Priuileges obteined for the English and Danish Merchants by Canutus the King of England. 126.
16 The flourishing state of Merchandise in the City of London in the dayes of Wilhelmus Malmesburiensis. 227.
17 A testimony of the said Wil. of Malmesbury concerning traffique to Bristow in his time. 127.
18 The league betweene Henry the second, and Frederick Barbarossa Emperour of Germany, partly touching trade of Merchandise. 128.
19 A generall safe conduct granted by King Iohn to all forreine Merchants. 129.
20 The letters of King Henry the third• vnto Haquinus king of Norwey. 129,130.
21 A mandate for the king of Norway his ship called, The Cog. 130.