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¶ A Catalogue of the Voyages of this first volume, made to the North and Northeast quarters.

1 THe voyage of Arthur K. of Britaine to Island and the most Northeastern parts of Europe, Anno 517. pag. 1.
2 The voyage of Malgo king of Britaine to Island, Gotland, Orkney, Den∣mark and Norway, Anno 580. pag. 3.
3 The conquest of the Isles of Anglesey and Man by Edwin the Saxon king of Northumberland, Anno 624. 3.
4 The voyage of Bertus into Ireland, Anno 684. 4.
5 The voyage of Octher to the North parts beyond Norway about the yeere 890. 4.
6 The second voyage of Octher into the Sound of Denmarke. 5.
7 Wolstans Nauigation into the East sea, or the Sound of Denmarke. 6.
8 The voyage of King Edgar with 4000. shippes round about his large Monarchie, Anno 973. 6.
9 The voyage of Edmund and Edward the sonnes of King Edmund Ironside, into Hungary, Anno 1017. 9.
10 The mariage of the daughter of Harald vnto Ieruslaus duke of Russia in his owne Countrey, Anno 1067. 16.
11 The voyage of a certaine Englishman into Tartaria, and from thence into Poland and Hungary, Anno 1243. 20.
12 The long and wonderfull voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini, Anno 1246. 21,37,53.
13 The iournall of Frier William de Rubricis, Anno 1253. 71,93.
14 The voyage of Nicolaus de Linna a Franciscan Frier, and an excellent Mathematician of Oxford to all the Regions situate vnder the North-pole, Anno 1360. 121.
15 The voyage of Henry Earle of Derby, afterward King of England, into Prussia and Letto, Anno 1390. 122.
16 The voyage of Thomas of Woodstock duke of Glocester into Prussia, Anno 1391. 123.
17 The voyage of sir Hugh Willoughby knight, wherein he vnfortunately perished at Arzi∣na Reca in Lapland, Anno 1553. 232.
18 The voyage of Richard Chanceller Pilote maior, the first discouerer by sea of the kingdome of Moscouia, Anno 1553. 237,243.
19 The voyage of Stephen Burrough toward the Riuer of Ob, intending the discouery of the Northeast passage, Anno 1556. 274.
20 The landing of Richard Iohnson among the Samoeds, Anno 1556. 283.
21 The voyage of the aforesaide Stephen Burrough from Colmogro in Russia to Wardhouse, in search of certaine English ships not heard-of the yeere before, Anno 1557. 290.
22 The voyage of M. Anthony Ienkinson into Russia, wherein Osep Napea, first Ambassadour from the Emperour of Moscouia to Queene Mary, was transported into his Countrey, Anno 1557. 310,314.
23 The voyage of M. Anthony Ienkinson from the Citie of Mosco in Russia to Boghar in Ba∣ctria, Anno 1558. 324.
24 The voyage of M. Anthony Ienkinson through Russia, and ouer the Caspian sea into Persia, Anno 1561. 343.
25 The voyage of Thomas Alcock, George Wrenne, and Richard Cheyney, seruants vnto the Company of Moscouy Merchants in London, into Persia, Anno 1563. 353.
26 The voyage of Richard Iohnson, Alexander Kitchin, and Arthur Edwards seruants to the foresaid company into Persia, Anno 1565. 354.
27 The voyage of Thomas Southam and Iohn Sparke by land and riuer from Colmogro to Nouo∣grod in Russia, Anno 1566. 365.
28 The voyage of M. Anthony Ienkinson into Russia the third time, Anno 1566. 372.