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A Catalogue of the Ambassages,

59 A briefe treatise of the Emperour of Moscouia his genealogie. 221.
60 The excellent orders and instructions of Sebastian Cabot giuen to sir Hugh Willoughby and his Fleete in their voyage intended for Cathay. 226.
61 The names of the twelue Counsellers appointed in sir Hugh Willoughbies voyage. 230.
62 The letters of king Edward the sixt, written at that time to all the Kings, Princes, and other Po∣tentates of the Northeast. 230.
63 The names of the Ships, Captains, Mariners, and other officers of that first worthy enterprise. 232.
64 The othe ministred to the Captaine of the Fleete. 233.
65 The othe ministred to the Masters of the ships. 234.
66 A testimonie of Richard Eden, concerning Clement Adams his discourse of Richard Chan∣cellers voyage. 242.
67 The letters of the Emperour of Russia sent to king Edward the sixt, by Richard Chanceller. 255.
68 The coynes, waights and measures vsed in Russia. 256.
69 The letters of King Philip and Queene Mary to Iuan Vasiliuich the Emperor of Russia. 258.
70 The Commission giuen to the merchants Agents resiant in Russia. 259.
71 The othe ministred to the seruants of the Moscouie company. 262.
72 The letter of George Killingworth the first Agent in Russia, written to the Company. 263.
73 The first Priuileges graunted by the Emperour of Russia, to the English merchants. 265.
74 The Charter of the merchants of the Moscouie company granted by Queene Mary. 267.
75 Instructions giuen to the Pursers of the Moscouie voyage. 273.
76 The strange discourse of Richard Iohnson concerning the Samoeds. 283.
77 A discourse of the honourable receiuing into England of the first Ambassadour frō the Emperour of Russia. 285.
78 Instructions giuen to the Masters and Mariners of the ships of the Moscouie Company, sayling towards the Bay of S. Nicolas, Anno 1557. 295.
79 A letter of the Company of the Moscouie merchants vnto their Agents, George Killing∣worth, Richard Gray, and Henry Lane in Russia. 297.
80 A letter of M. Thomas Hawtree to the Moscouie Companies Agent M. Henry Lane at Colmogro. 302.
81 A letter of M. Richard Gray, one of the first Agents of the Moscouie Company, to M. Hen•y Lane at Mosco. 303.
82 A letter of Thomas Alcock to M. Richard Gray and Henry Lane, Agents in Moscouia from Tirwill in Poland. 303.
83 A letter of M. Anthony Ienkinson vpon his returne from Boghat to M. Henry Lane resident in Vologda. 305.
84 A letter of the Moscouie Company to their Agents in Russia, M. Henry Lane, Christopher Hudson, and Thomas Glouer, sent in their seuenth voyage to S. Nicolas. 305.
85 Another letter to the aforesaid parties. 308.
86 The maner of Iustice by lotts in Russia written by M. Henry Lane. 309.
87 The description of Russia, with the customes and maners of the inhabitants. 315.
88 Notes and obseruations gathered by Richard Iohnson of the seuerall wayes from Russia to Ca∣thay ouer-land. 335.
89 A letter of Sigismund king of Polonia 1559. vnto the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 337.
90 The letters of the Queenes Maiestie written to the Emperour of Russia, requesting licence and safe-conduct for Anthonie Ienkinson, to passe through his dominions into Persia. 338.
91 The Queenes Maiesties letters to the great Sophie of Persia, sent by M. Anth. Ienkinson. 340.
92 Instructions giuen by the Gouernours and Assistants of the Moscouie Company, vnto M. Antho∣nie Ienkinson. 341.
93 The priuileges giuen by Obdoloucan K. of Hircania to the Company of English merchants tra∣ding in Russia, obteined by M. Anthony Ienkinson. 352.
94 Certaine letters of Arthur Edwards written out of Russia, Media, and Persia, to the Company of the Moscouie merchants in London. 354,355,358,361.
95 The distance of diuers places in Russia. 363.
96 The way and distances from S. Nicolas in Russia to the Caspian sea. 364.
97 An Acte for the corporation of merchants Aduen•urers for the discouering of newe trades, made in the eighth yeere of the Queenes Maiestie. 369.
98 The priuileges granted by the Emperour of Russia to the English merchants, obteined by M. Anthony Ienkinson. 373.
99 A letter of M. Henry Lane to M. Richard Hakluyt concerning the first Ambassage from the