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Treatises, Priuileges, Letters, &c.

Ru•sian Emperour to our most gracious Queene Elizabeth. 374.
100 A letter of her Maiestie, sent by Stephen Twerdico and Pheodata Pogorella, Messengers of the Emperour of Russia, vnto their master. 375.
101 The Ambassage of M. Thomas Randolfe Esquier, from the Queenes Maiestie to the Empe∣rour of Russia. 376.
102 The priuileges graunted to the English merchants, at M. Randolfe his sute. 378.
103 A Commission granted by M. Randolfe for a discouery to the Northeast by sea. 382.
104 Instructions giuen to the discouerers for that action. 383.
105 Certaine letters in verse, written out of Moscouia, by M. George Turberuile, Secretary to M. Randolfe, touching the state of the Countrey, and maners of the people. 384.
106 Notes concerning the fourth English voyage into Persia. 392.
107 Obseruations of the Sophy of Persia, and of the Religion of the Persians. 397.
108 A letter of Richard Vscombe to M. Henry Lane touching the burning of the Citie of Mosco by the Crimme Tartar. 402.
109 The Ambassage of M. Anthony Ienkinson from the Queenes Maiestie to the Emperour of Russia, Anno 1571. 402.
110 A briefe rehearsall of all the trauailes of M. Anthony Ienkinson. 411.
111 A letter of Iames Alday to M. Michael Locke Agent in London for the Moscouie Company touching a trade to be established in Lappia. 412.
112 A note of all the necessary instruments and appurtenances belonging to the killing of the Whale. 413.
113 The deposition of William Burrough to certeine Interrogatories mooued vnto him concerning the Narue and Kegor. 414.
114 The reasons of M. William Burrough to disswade the vse of a trade to the Narue by the way through Sweden. 416.
115 A remembrance of aduise giuen to the Moscouie merchants, touching a voyage for Cola abouesaid. 416.
116 An Epistle dedicatorie vnto the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, written by M. William Bur∣rough. 417.
117 The Queenes Maiesties letters to Shaugh Thamas the great Sophy of Persia. 418.
118 The Latitudes and Meridian Altitudes of diuers places in Russia, from the North to the South. 431.
119 Directions giuen by M. Richard Hakluyt Esquire, to Morgan Hubblethorne Dier, sent into Persia. 432.
120 A Commission giuen by sir Rowland Heyward knight, and George Barne Aldermen, and gouernours of the Moscouie Company• to Arthur Pet and Charles Iackman, for the discouery by Sea towards Cathay. 433.
121 Rules and orders giuen to be obserued by them in that Discouery. 435.
122 Briefe aduises giuen by M. Iohn Dee to that purpose. 437.
123 Instructions giuen them by Richard Hakluyt Esquire to that purpose also. 437,438.
124 The letter of Gerard. Mercator to Richard Hakluyt of Oxford touching that discouery. 443.
125 Instructions giuen by the Moscouie Company vnto Richard Gibbs, William Biggat, Iohn Backhouse• &c. Masters of their ships. 453.
126 The opinion of M. William Burrough, sent to a friend requiring his iudgement for the fittest time of the departure of our ships toward S. Nicolas in Russia. 455.
127 The Queenes Maiesties Commission giuen to sir Ierome Bowes, authorizing him her high∣nesse Ambassadour with the Emperour of Moscouie. 455.
128 The Queenes Maiesties letters written to the Emperour by sir Ierome Bowes in his commendation. 457.
129 The discourse of the Ambassage of sir Ierome Bowes to the aforesaid Emperour. 458.
130 The maner of preferring suites in Russia. 463.
131 A letter of M. Henry Lane to M. William Sanderson merchant of London, conteyning a briefe discourse of all things passed in our Northren discoueries for the space of 33. yeeres. 464.
132 The most solemne and magnificent Coronation of Pheodor Iuanowich Emperour of Russia, set downe by M. Ierome Horsey. 466.
133 The Priuileges graunted by the newe Emperour, to the English merchants, and obteined by the foresaid Ierom Horsey. 470.
134 The Ambassage of M. Giles Fletcher, Doctor of the Ciuil lawe, from her Maiestie, to the Emperour of Russia. 473.