land for 6 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides, and on it are 2 ploughs and there could be 2 others. There 3 villeins and (cum) 10 bor- dars have 2 ploughs. Meadow is there suffi- cient for 6 plough (teams). It is and was worth 6 pounds ; T.R.E. 7 pounds. This manor Ulf, a man of Earl Harold, held and could sell.
In Coteslai [Cottesloe] Hundret[1]
M. The count himself holds Witehunge [Wing]. It is assessed at 5 hides. There is land for 40 ploughs. In the demesne is 1 hide and on it are 4 ploughs. There 51 vil- leins with 20 bordars have 21 ploughs, and there could be 15 more ploughs. Mea- dow is there (sufficient) for 25 plough (teams). For (de) the pasture (are) rendered shares (ferra) for 5 ploughs.[2] In all (totis valentiis) it is worth 3 1 pounds ; when received a like sum ; T.R.E. 32 pounds. This manor Edward cilt, [3] a man of Earl [4] Harold, held and could sell.
In CROUSTONE [Croftone] [5] the monks of St. Nicholas hold 2½ hides of the count. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ; and 8 villeins have 2 ploughs. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 5 plough (teams). It is and was worth 4 pounds ; T.R.E. 6 pounds. This manor Edward cilt held and could sell.
In Withungrave [Wingrave] Alan holds 1½ hides of the count. There is land for 1 plough. One is there, and there could be half a plough (more). There are 1 villein and I bordar, and meadow (sufficient) for I plough (team). It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 2O shillings. This land Ordmser, a man of Brictric, held and could sell.
In Helpstorp [Elstrop [6] ] Rannulf holds of the count 3 virgates. There is land for I plough, and (this) is there with 2 bordars. There is I serf, and meadow (sufficient) for I plough (team). It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 20 shillings. This land Lewin, a man of Godric, held and could sell.
In Harduich [Hard wick] Almaer holds of the count 2 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs, and (these) are there with 2 villeins and 1 bordar. There is i serf, and meadow (suffi- cient) for 2 plough (teams). It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 40 shillings. This land Saward, a man of Earl Harold, held and could sell.
In Bricstoch [Burston [7] ] Alan holds of the count 2 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne is 1 ; and 3 villeins with 1 bordar have I plough. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 2 plough (teams). It is worth 30 shillings ; when received 10 shil- lings ; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This land 3 thegns held ; of these one was a man of Earl [8] Lewin, the second a man of Goduin cilt [9] abbot of Westminster, the third a man of Alverad of Withunga [Wing] ; and all these could sell their land.
In the same vill Almaer holds i virgate of the count, and there are 2 villeins. It is and was worth 5 shillings. This land Siward, a man of Earl [10] Harold, held and could sell.
In Erlai [Yardley] Hundret[11]
In Draitone [Drayton (Beauchamp)] William son of Nigel holds 1½ hides. There is land for 1 plough. Meadow is there (suffi- cient) for 1 plough (team), woodland (to feed) 25 swine. It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 2O shillings. This land a widow held of Brictric and could sell.
In the same vill Lepsi holds of the count 1½ hides and 2 thirds (partes) of a virgate. There is land for 1 plough. There are 2 villeins and 2 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for I plough (team) and woodland (to feed) 25 swine. It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 20 shillings. This land Wiga, a man of King Edward, held and could sell.
In Pincelestorne [Pitstone [12]] Ralf holds of the count 3 hides and 1 virgate as one manor. There is land for 1 plough, and this is there
- ↑ Now part of Cottesloe Hundred. For Cottesloe see p. 242, note 5, under the land of the Bishop of Lisieux.
- ↑ See Introduction, p. 222.
- ↑ ' cilt ' interlined.
- ↑ ' Earl ' interlined.
- ↑ Alias Crafton, in Wing.
- ↑ Alias Helsthorpe, in Wingrave.
- ↑ In Aston Abbots (F.W.R.) This identification is proved by the occurrence of a holding here afterwards (as ' Bridelesthon') 'de honore de Mortuyn' (Testa de Nevitt, p. 246), and its subsequent appearance as part ' parvi feodi de Mortein ' at 'Bridesthorne ' (Feudal Aids, i. 78) (J.H.R.)
- ↑ ' Earl ' interlined.
- ↑ 'cilt' interlined.
- ↑ ' Earl ' interlined.
- ↑ Now part of Cottesloe Hundred. For Yardley see p. 233, under Bishop of Winchester's land.
- ↑ Formerly ' Pychelesthorne ' or Piglesthorn G.H.R.)