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Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/306

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land for 6 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides, and on it are 2 ploughs and there could be 2 others. There 3 villeins and (cum) 10 bor- dars have 2 ploughs. Meadow is there suffi- cient for 6 plough (teams). It is and was worth 6 pounds ; T.R.E. 7 pounds. This manor Ulf, a man of Earl Harold, held and could sell.

In Coteslai [Cottesloe] Hundret[1]

M. The count himself holds Witehunge [Wing]. It is assessed at 5 hides. There is land for 40 ploughs. In the demesne is 1 hide and on it are 4 ploughs. There 51 vil- leins with 20 bordars have 21 ploughs, and there could be 15 more ploughs. Mea- dow is there (sufficient) for 25 plough (teams). For (de) the pasture (are) rendered shares (ferra) for 5 ploughs.[2] In all (totis valentiis) it is worth 3 1 pounds ; when received a like sum ; T.R.E. 32 pounds. This manor Edward cilt, [3] a man of Earl [4] Harold, held and could sell.

In CROUSTONE [Croftone] [5] the monks of St. Nicholas hold 2½ hides of the count. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ; and 8 villeins have 2 ploughs. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 5 plough (teams). It is and was worth 4 pounds ; T.R.E. 6 pounds. This manor Edward cilt held and could sell.

In Withungrave [Wingrave] Alan holds 1½ hides of the count. There is land for 1 plough. One is there, and there could be half a plough (more). There are 1 villein and I bordar, and meadow (sufficient) for I plough (team). It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 2O shillings. This land Ordmser, a man of Brictric, held and could sell.

In Helpstorp [Elstrop [6] ] Rannulf holds of the count 3 virgates. There is land for I plough, and (this) is there with 2 bordars. There is I serf, and meadow (sufficient) for I plough (team). It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 20 shillings. This land Lewin, a man of Godric, held and could sell.

In Harduich [Hard wick] Almaer holds of the count 2 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs, and (these) are there with 2 villeins and 1 bordar. There is i serf, and meadow (suffi- cient) for 2 plough (teams). It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 40 shillings. This land Saward, a man of Earl Harold, held and could sell.

In Bricstoch [Burston [7] ] Alan holds of the count 2 hides. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne is 1 ; and 3 villeins with 1 bordar have I plough. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 2 plough (teams). It is worth 30 shillings ; when received 10 shil- lings ; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This land 3 thegns held ; of these one was a man of Earl [8] Lewin, the second a man of Goduin cilt [9] abbot of Westminster, the third a man of Alverad of Withunga [Wing] ; and all these could sell their land.

In the same vill Almaer holds i virgate of the count, and there are 2 villeins. It is and was worth 5 shillings. This land Siward, a man of Earl [10] Harold, held and could sell.

In Erlai [Yardley] Hundret[11]

In Draitone [Drayton (Beauchamp)] William son of Nigel holds 1½ hides. There is land for 1 plough. Meadow is there (suffi- cient) for 1 plough (team), woodland (to feed) 25 swine. It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 2O shillings. This land a widow held of Brictric and could sell.

In the same vill Lepsi holds of the count 1½ hides and 2 thirds (partes) of a virgate. There is land for 1 plough. There are 2 villeins and 2 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for I plough (team) and woodland (to feed) 25 swine. It is and was worth T.R.E. and after (valuit semper) 20 shillings. This land Wiga, a man of King Edward, held and could sell.

In Pincelestorne [Pitstone [12]] Ralf holds of the count 3 hides and 1 virgate as one manor. There is land for 1 plough, and this is there

  1. Now part of Cottesloe Hundred. For Cottesloe see p. 242, note 5, under the land of the Bishop of Lisieux.
  2. See Introduction, p. 222.
  3. ' cilt ' interlined.
  4. ' Earl ' interlined.
  5. Alias Crafton, in Wing.
  6. Alias Helsthorpe, in Wingrave.
  7. In Aston Abbots (F.W.R.) This identification is proved by the occurrence of a holding here afterwards (as ' Bridelesthon') 'de honore de Mortuyn' (Testa de Nevitt, p. 246), and its subsequent appearance as part ' parvi feodi de Mortein ' at 'Bridesthorne ' (Feudal Aids, i. 78) (J.H.R.)
  8. ' Earl ' interlined.
  9. 'cilt' interlined.
  10. ' Earl ' interlined.
  11. Now part of Cottesloe Hundred. For Yardley see p. 233, under Bishop of Winchester's land.
  12. Formerly ' Pychelesthorne ' or Piglesthorn G.H.R.)