A HISTORY OF NORFOLK f- 153. There too {in eadem) 2 ploughlands are held by Alvric, a freeman of Stigand's. Then as now 5 villeins and 1 6 bordars ; then 6 serfs, now 4 ; then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 3, and 20 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 30 swine. Then and now i mill, and 3 sokemen (with) 12 acres. Then it was worth 60 shillings. And here belongs i outlying estate (called) EiLANDA [Newland,^] 30 acres ; then i villein ; then as now 4 bordars and I plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men, i acre of meadow. Wood(Iand) for 12 swine. To this manor Walter de Dol added 2 freemen who are in Habetuna [Hapton], I Stigand's, the other Guert's, and they have 90 acres; then as now 5 villeins and 7 bordars. Then 3 serfs. Then 3^ ploughs, now 2, and I 7 acres of meadow. He added also 3 freemen (with) 8 acres. Then they were worth 12 shil- lings. In Habetuna [Hapton] i church (with) 15 acres. Of the whole of this Walter de Dol made 1 manor, and the whole together is worth 9 pounds. And it is I J leagues in length and a half in breadth, and (pays) 13 pence and a half- penny for geld. Roger Bigot holds of the earl. And Habetuna [Hapton] (is) i league in length and 5 furlongs in breadth, and (pays) 6 pence and 3 farthings for geld. HUNDRET OF ClAVERING Kerkebey [Kirby (Cane)] was held by i thegn of Stigand's, Osmund, the predecessor of Ralf de Belfago T.R.E. as i ploughland ; now Warinc holds it ; I bordar ; then and afterwards i plough, and 3 acres of meadow ; wood(land) for 3 swine. And 4 freemen in commendation (with) 15 acres and half a plough, and they are worth 15 shil- lings. In Ravincham [Raveningham] i freeman of King Edward's (with) 30 acres and i bordar, and he is worth 5 shillings. f. I5:b. VII.— LANDS OF ROBERT MALET HuNDRET AND HaLF OF FrEDREBRUGE [Freebridge] Glorestorp [Glosthorpe^] was held by Godwin a freeman (as) 2 ploughlands T.R.E. Then and afterwards 8 villeins, now 3. Then and afterwards 3 bordars, now 5 ; then as now 3 serfs, and 30 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then half a plough ' In Wreningham. See Blomefield, op. cit. x, 176. ' In Bawsey. belonging to the men, and (the same) now; wood- ' (land) for 8 swine, and 2 mills. Here belong [jacent) 1 3 sokemen with 40 acres of land ; when he received it 2 rounceys, now I ; then as now 8 swine ; then 20 sheep, and it is worth 60 shillings. There belongs {jacet) also I outlying estate (held) for a manor (called) Heuseda' [Bawsey], T.R.E. I ploughland ; then and after 7 villeins, now 5 ; then as now 1 2 bordars and 3 serfs, and 40 acres of meadow, and i plough on the demesne, and 2 oxen belonging to the men, and I mill. Wood(Iand) for 16 swine, and ^ salt- pans ; then I rouncey and now ; and 14 swine, 30 sheep and 50 goats. To this outlying estate belong {jacent) 3 sokemen (with) 10 acres of land, and they are worth 30 shillings. These 2 manors are 2 leagues in length and 4 furlongs in breadth whosoever may hold there, and they pay 12 pence for 20 shillings geld. Hundret of Scerpham [Shropham] Culverstestuna [Kilverstone] was held by Edric T.R.E. (as) 2 ploughlands. Then as now 4 villeins and i bordar and 4 serfs, 5 acres of meadow and 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards i plough, now half (a plough). Then as now i mill and i fishery (piscatio). Here belongs {jacet) i sokeman of the king's (with) 60 acres of land whereof his * predecessor had commendation only and he claims the land of the king's gift. Then and afterwards i plough, now 2 oxen, and 2 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 rounceys and 4 beasts ; then 300 sheep, now 300 less 12; then 60 swine, f- 154- now 3. Then and afterwards it was worth 60 shillings, now 80 (shillings), and I plough could be (employed). Walter of Caen {de Cadomo) holds (it) of R[obert]. Hundret of Heinestede [Hensted] In Sasilingaham [Saxlingham (? Thorpe)] Edric the predecessor of Robert Malet held 2 sokemen and a half with 66 acres of land ; now Walter holds (them). Then 9 bordars, now 13. Then as now 3^ ploughs among them all and 3 acres of meadow, and the eighth part of a mill. And under them I sokeman with 6 acres of land. Then as now half a plough. Then it was worth 30 shillings, now it renders 50 shillings. In Scotesham [Shotesham] Ulketel, a free- man of Edric's in commendation held T.R.E., with 30 acres of land. Then i bordar, after- wards and now 2. Then half a plough, but not afterwards or now. Then as now it was worth 5 shillings and 4 pence. The same (holds it). ' An error for ' Beuseda.' ' i.e. Robert Malet's. 78
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