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HOLDERS OF LANDS Half Hundret of Hersam [Earsham] In Scotoford [Shotford'] Humfry holds (the land) that I freeman of Edric's held in commen- dation, with 43 acres of land. And then as now 2 villeins and 2 bordars. Then as now i plough among the men. Wood(land) for 1 5 swine, and 3 acres of meadow. Then as now it was worth 10 shillings. Half Hundret of Dice [Diss] Gessinga [Gissing] was held by Alstan, a free- man of Edric's by commendation only, (as) 60 acres of land ; now William holds it. Then as now 4 bordars. Then as now one plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men and 2 acres of meadow. Then and after- wards it was worth 8 shillings, now 15. In Borstuna [Burston] Walter holds what Aculf, a freeman of Edric's by commendation only, held, 26 acres and 2 bordars. Then as now I plough and 2 acres of meadow and I soke- man with 2 acres of land. Then as now it was '• 154b- worth 8 shillings. In ToRP [Thorpe (Parva)^] 80 acres were held by Edric a sokeman under Edric the predecessor of Malet ; now Hubert holds them. Then as now 3 villeins and 3 bordars. Then as now I plough on the demesne. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men and 6 acres of meadow. And in Telvetuna [Thelveton] 2 freemen of the same (with) 14 acres of land. Then as now half a plough. Then the whole was worth 10 shillings, afterwards and now 20. The soke belongs to the king [Soca regis). Torp [Thorpe (Parva)] is 4 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth and (pays) 3 pence for geld. In Borstuna [Burston] Moithar a freeman of Edric's held 30 acres of land, 4 bordars. Then I plough on the demesne, now half (a plough). There too {in eadem) 4 freemen under the same with 26 acres of land. Then as now half a plough and 2 acres of meadow. Then and after- wards it was worth 8 shillings, now 15. Frisa [Frenze] was held by Edric under Edric for I ploughland ; now Hubert holds it. Then and afterwards I villein, now 2 ; then and after- wards I bordar, now 2. Then as now i plough on the demesne. Then as now the men plough with 2 oxen ; and 4 acres of meadow, now I mill. Then and afterwards it was worth 10 shillings, now 15. It is 5 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth and pays 3 pence for geld. In Regadona [Roydon] i freeman of Edric's by commendation held 20 acres ; now Walter holds them. Then as now half a plough and I ' In Mendham. Blomefield, op. cit. v, 376. ' In Scole. acre of meadow. Then and afterwards it was worth 2 shillings and 6 pence, now 3 shillings. In SiMPLiNGAHAM [Shimpling] 2 freemen of the same by commendation only (with) 15 acres of land. Then half a plough, now i ox. Then as now it was worth 16 pence. In Telvetaham [Thelveton] 2 freemen of the same by commendation, 8 acres of land ; now Walter holds them. Then and after- wards half a plough, now nothing;. Then as f- 155. now it was worth 16 pence. In Semera [Semer'] I freeman under Edric by commendation only (with) 40 acres and under him 3 bordars. Then as now I plough among the men. Wood(land) for 4 swine, and 2 acres of meadow. Then as now he was worth 8 shillings. The same (holds him). In Gessinga [Gissing] halfa freeman of Edric's in commendation only with 1 1 acres, and under him I bordar ; and he is worth 12 pence, and William holds (him). In Borstuna [Burston] i freeman of Leofric de Torenduna^ in commendation (with) 20 acres; now R[obert] Malet holds him of the queen's gift ; then as now 2 bordars; and under him I freeman (with) 6 acres ; then as now half a plough ; then as now it was worth 3 shillings, and now the mother of Robert Malet holds (him). Hundret of Lothninga [Loddon] Wodetona [Woodton] was held by Ulketel a freeman of Edric's by commendation, for 30 acres and Walter holds it. Then as now 5 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, afterwards i, and now 2. Then as now half a plough belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 4 swine, and I acre of meadow ; now 7 swine ; now 40 sheep. And there were ' there 8 freemen of Ulketell's in commendation T.R.E. (with) 30 acres of land. Then as now among the men i plough. Then and afterwards it was worth 20 shillings and now 30. It is I league in length and half (a league) in breadth and (pays) for geld 1 5 pence. The soke is in the hundret. Hundret of Taverham [Taverham] Hofforda [Horsford] was held by Edric a freeman T.R.E. (as) 2 ploughlands. Then and afterwards 5 villeins, now 7 ; then as now 5 bor- dars ; then and afterwards 2 ploughs on the demesne, now I ; then and afterwards I plough ' In Mendham.

  • Thorndon All Saints, co. Suffolk. Apparently

the same as Leofric son of Bosa, f. 22 83. ' The facsimile has sn't, probably in error iotfu't. 79