A HISTORY OF NORFOLK on it {aderant) T.R.E. paying every customary due {cum omni consuetudlne) : of these Wido the Angevin holds 20, and they have 2 ploughlands and 58 acres and a fourth part of an acre ; and W[illiani] de Warenne (holds) 3 who have 120^ acres ; and Roger Bigot I, who has 15 acres ; and W[illiam] de S[c]oies i, who has {de) 10 acres. There were also taken away from this manor 14 freemen and 12 villeins whom Ralf Baign[ard] holds. This whole (manor) is {hnhet) I mile in length and half (a mile) in breadth, and for 20 shillings (paid by the hundret) renders 16 pence geld. Hundret of Dochinge [Docking] SuTMERE [Southmere] was held by Harold T.R.E. (There were) then 3 ploughs on the demesne ; afterwards and now 2. Then 21 vil- leins, afterwards and now 19 ; then as now 2 bordars and 6 serfs, and I plough belonging to the men ; then as now 3 rounceys and i beast and 3 swine and 87 sheep. Here belong {jacent) 31 sokemen (with) 16 acres (with) i plough ; and 15 sokemen each one (with) 60 acres, (with) 8 ploughs ; and i^ ploughs (more) could be em- ployed [restaurari). And I sokeman (with) 14 acres ; and i sokeman (with) 60 acres, (and) then I plough. And Tigeswella [Titchwell] is 1 outlying cst.!At{hereuuitd) (having) then as now i^ ploughs on the demesne and 14 villeins and 6 bordars and 4 serfs and 16 acres of meadow : (there is) wood(land) for 60 swine. Now (there is) I mill : then as now I plough belonging to the men. And (there are) 4 sokemen (with) 2 ploughlands (and) 2 ploughs : and 2 sokemen (with) 5 acres, and i sokeman (with) 60 acres (and) 2 oxen ; and I sokeman with [de) the fourth part of an acre. On the outlying estate (are) 260 sheep and 11 swine and 2 beasts and 5 rounceys ; and I ploughland which was held f. no. by I freeman T.R.E. All this was then worth 7 pounds, afterwards 20 (pounds), now 30 (pounds). And (there were) 4 sokemen (with) 4 acres of land T.R.E. which after the king came and after Roger received this manor Briun the reeve [prepositus) of R[oger] Bigot took {tulit) from this manor and Roger now holds. And (there is) I sokeman with 60 acres (and) half a plough. Stanho [Stanhoe] was held by Alvric a freeman under Stigand T.R.E. (as) I plough- land. Then (there was) 1 plough ; afterwards and now 2 oxen and i bordar and it is worth 16 shillings and belongs to {jacet) Phacham [Fakenham]. Hundret of Wanelunt [Wayland] Saham [Saham (Toney)] was held by King Edward as 3 ploughlands and 45 acres. Then (there were) 43 villeins. Afterwards 9 ; now 4. Now (there are) 1 1 bordars : then as now i serf. Then and afterwards (there was) i plough on the demesne ; now 2. Then (there were) 12 ploughs belonging to the men ; afterwards and now 3 : 40 acres of meadow ; wood(land) for 730 swine. Then as now i mill ; then 3 rounceys, now 2. Then (there were) 3 beasts, now 8 ; then 28 swine, now 20, and now (there are) 60 sheep and 40 goats. To this manor there belonged T.R.E. 46 sokemen with all customary dues, afterwards and now 31 (with) 3 ploughlands, 27 acres, 40 acres of meadow. Then and afterwards (there were) 12 ploughs, now 8 ; wood(land) for 100 swine. Of those men Rainald, son of Ivo, has 1 5, and Berner the crossbowman 2. And in Gristl'na [Griston] (there were) 19 sokemen (with) i ploughland T.R.E. Then (there were) 4 ploughs ; afterwards and now 3 and 2 acres of meadow. And in Castestuna [Caston] (there are) 4 of Harold's freemen (with) 204 acres of land, and they were added to this manor after that the king came, by his command. Then (there were) 3^^ ploughlands and now the same {similiter) (and) 6 acres of meadow. And in Breccles [Breckles] (there are) 8 of Harold's freemen in soke (with) 2 ploughlands : then (there were) 5 ploughs ; afterwards and now 3. These were added in King William's time. (There are also) 2 bordars (and) 20 acres of meadow ; and in Grestuna [Griston] 2 of Harold's freemen (and) 7 acres. The whole was worth T.R.E. 12 pounds, and used to pay half a day's (provision) of honey {meliu) and the customary dues of honey {comuetudines mel/is), and now pays 20 pounds (in money) by weight {ad pensum). And Harold's freemen were worth T.R.E. 53 shillings ; they are now in the farm of 20 pounds. The whole is {habet) leagues in length and I league in breadth, and pays for a f. nob geld of 20 shillings 2 shillings and 6 pence. In Breccles [Breckles] (there are) 25 acres; then as now half a plough ; (and) 5 sokemen in Saham and the reeve {prepositus) of Saham sold (them) in King William's time for i bit {per unum frenum) to Eudo a man of Earl Ralf's and they belonged {jacuerunt) to Elincgham [Elling- ham] to the farm of Ralf and he was holding them on the day that he made forfeiture {forts- fecit) ; and Robert Blund as long as he held office {Ttiisterium) used to have of them lo shil- lings and 8 pence. Now again (they belong) to Saham and do not pay rent {censum) to Godric. And in Castetuna [Caston] (there is) i soke- man (with) 10 acres of land (and) half a plough, and in like manner ' he used to pay 5 shillings and 4 pence. All Breccles [Breckles] is {habet) i league in length and half (a league) in breadth, and (pays) 1 1 pence for geld. There also {in eadem) is I freeman in Saham (with) 26 acres ' Note the repeated unit 5/. d. 40
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