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HOLDERS OF LANDS and 2 acres of meadow and half a plough, and it is worth 2 shillings. The king and the earl (have) the soke. In Brecles [Breckles] (is also) the fourth part of I acre and a certain customary due in pasture ; this belonged to {jacuit in) Saham T.R.E. and now does so still (similiter) ; but Godric reclaims [revocat) it for the fee of Earl Ralf in Stou [Stow (Bedon)], as- serting that he (Earl Ralf) held it for 2 years before he made forfeiture and (it remained so) 2 years afterwards. Of this a certain servant of the king from Stou [Stow (Bedon)] offers to undertake the proof [poitare Judicium).^ HUNDRET OF FeoRHOU [FoREHOE] AND A Half HiNiCHAM [Hingham] was held by King E[dward] as 2 ploughlands and 25 acres. Then as now there were 60 villeins, then 8 bordars and a half, now 29. Then as now (there was) I plough on the demesne ; then 15 ploughs be- longing to the men ; now 20. (There were) 43 sokemen, now 20 ; of the rest William de Warenne has 12, and Count Alan 3, and Eudo son of Clama Hoc took thereof 8, whom now f. III. Ralf de Bellafago has. And those 20 have i ploughland, and I of them has 3 bordars. Then as now there were 2 ploughs and 8 acres of meadow. The whole was worth then 7 pounds and a half blanch, with a customary due [cum consuetudine) of 30 shillings, and 3 quarts (sextarios) of honey ; now (it is worth) 1 2 pounds by weight and 30 shillings for fine [de gersuma), and 3 quarts of honey with the same customary due ; and it is [habet) half (a league) in length and half (a league) in breadth ; and (pays) 13 pence and I halfpenny for geld. HuNDRET AND A HaLF OF MiTTEFORT [Midford] In Flocthore [Flockthorp ^] (there are) 40 acres of land and 3 bordars and I acre of meadow, and it is in the valuation of Hinham [Hingham]. In Flocthore (are) 30 acres of land, I freeman, and acres of meadow. Then (there were) half a plough and 2 bordars. In RisiNGA [Rising, (Wood)] and in Ocselea [ ] (there are) 3 bordars (and) 1 2 acres of land and it is in the valuation of Haincham [Hingham]. HuNDRET OF GaLGOU [GaLLOW] In Fachenham [Fakenham] Harold held T.R.E. 2 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 5 villeins and 20 bordars and 4 serfs. Then as now (there were) on the demesne 1 i.e. to submit it to trial by ordeal. ' In Hardingham. 2 ploughs, and 4 ploughs belonging to the men. (There is) wood(land) for 12 swine, 5 acres of meadow, 3 mills (and) half a salt pan. Then as now (there were) 3 rounceys and 20 swine and 200 sheep. To this manor belongs I outlying estate (called) Alatorp [Alethorpe] consisting of [de) I ploughland ; then as now (there were) 3 bordars and i serf and on the demesne I plough, and 2 oxen belonging to the men (and) 2 acres of meadow : and another outlying estate (called) Torpaland [Thorpland] consist- ing of [de) I ploughland and i plough and i serf. There is also [adhuc) i outlying estate of 2 plough- lands in Kreic [Creake, (South)']. Then as now (there were) 10 villeins. Then 11 bordars, now 4. Then as now on the demesne i plough. Then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, now i, (and) half an acre of meadow. Then as now 1 rouncey and 30 swine and 80 sheep and 4 sokemen with 6 acres and i plough. And (there is) another outlying estate (called) Stanhou [Stanhoe] of I ploughland. Then as now (there were) 3 villeins. Then i plough on the demesne, now 2 oxen. In Estanbyrda [Stibbard] 3 free- men and in Barfham [Barsham, (PEast)] i (free- man) and in Snaringa [Snoring, (Little)] 3 free- men and among these men 3 acres of land. Then as now I plough. All this was worth T.R.E. f. Ilib. 8 pounds, now 43 (pounds). Fagenham [Faken- ham] is {habei) 7 furlongs in length and half (a league ?) in width and (pays) 12 pence in geld ; and Stabyrda [Stibbard] is 3 furlongs in length and 2 in breadth and (pays) 12 pence in geld. There is also (adhuc) i outlying estate (in) Katestuna [Caston] of I ploughland. Then as now (there were) 3 bordars and I plough (and) 2 acres of meadow and 8 sheep. It has been valued [appretiata est) above. In Nortuna [Norton, (Pudding)] (is) a church (and) 8 acres and (it is worth) 6 pence. HuNDRET OF BrODERCROS [BrOTHERCROSs] In Dontuna [Dunton] there is i outlying estate of i ploughland ; then 6 bordars, now 4. Then 2 serfs. Then as now i plough on the demesne. Then (there was) I plough belonging to the men, now half (a plough) (and) 4 acres of meadow (and) I mill. Then as now I rouncey and 60 sheep and 16 sokemen with {de) I ploughland. Then as now 5 bordars. Then 8 ploughs, afterwards 3, now I. It was valued with Facenham [Fakenham] and is I league in length and half (a league) in breadth and (pays) 13 pence in geld. In Nortuna [Norton, (Pudding)] i outlying estate belongs to {jacet ad) Facenham [Faken- ham] (of) half a ploughland. Then as now (there was) I bordarand half a plough (and) half an acre ' The whole of North Creake appears to have been in Roger Bigot's fee ; Feud. Aids, iii, 405. 41 6