HOLDERS OF LANDS washeld T.R.E. by Alvric a freeman (as) 2 plough- f. 126b. lands ; then as now 4 villeins and 2 bordars. Then 4 serfs, 20 acres of meadow ; then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne and 2i ploughs be- longing to the men ; wood(land) for 100 swine, and I plough could be on the demesne ; then as now 12 beasts and 24 swine, and 37 sheep, 34 goats, and 5 sokemen with 2i acres. Then and afterwards it was worth 4 pounds, now 4 pounds blanch and 4 shillings. To this manor used to belong [jacebant] 6 sokemen on the day that Ralf made forfeiture, who used to pay 16 shillings to Robert Blund,and now they are in Saham [Saham (Toney)] ; the hundred testifies it.^ The whole is 1 5 leagues in length and in breadth and (pays) for geld 10 pence and i halfpenny and i farthing. In Brecchles [Breckles] i freeman T.R.E. held I ploughland. Then 3 villeins, afterwards and now 2 ; then as now I serf, 4 acres of meadow. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now half (a plough) ; then as now I plough belonging to the men, and 1 5 ploughs could be (used). This is an outlying estate of Sparlea [Sporle] and is in the valuation of Sparlea [Sporle 2]. In Grestuna [Griston] 80 acres of land were held by I freewoman T.R.E. ; then as now i villein. Then 5 bordars; then as now I serf, 6 acres of meadow ; then as now i plough on the demesne, wood(land) for 24 swine ; then as now 12 swine and 11 sheep. And this is an outlying estate and is appraised in Esparle [Sporle]. afterwards and now 32 pounds blanch and 13 shillings and 4 pence and 20 shillings for a fine {de gersumma) by tale. The whole is I league in length and i league in breadth, and (pays) 19 pence for geld. EssEEEi [ ] was held by Ralf T.R.E. (as) I ploughland ; then as now 2 villeins and I bordar. Then 4 serfs, afterwards and now 2, and 3 acres of meadow : then as now I plough on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belonging to the men ; then as now 6 sheep. It has always been worth [semper valet) 20 shillings blanch. RuDHAM [Roudham] was held T.R.E. by i freeman under Harold ; i ploughland and 4 vil- leins and 2 acres of meadow: then as now i plough on the demesne ; then as now half a plough be- longing to the men, and 14 sheep : and then it was worth 20 shillings, afterwards and now 10 shillings blanch. CuLVERTESTUNA [Kilverstone] was held T.R.E. by a freeman under Stigand (as) li- ploughlands ; then as now 5 villeins and i serf, and 5 acres of meadow ; then (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now i ox. Then i plough belonging to the men, after- wards nothing, now half a plough. Then as now I mill and i fishery ; it has always been worth 40 shillings. The whole is 2 leagues in length and in breadth whoever may hold there, and (pays) 7 pence for geld. The whole hun- dred pays 40 (shillings) and pertains to the ad- ministration [misterium) of Godric. HUNDRET OF SeRPEHAM [ShROPHAM] BucHAM [Buckenham] was held by Ralf the earl T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands, and now 45-. Then and afterwards 9 villeins, then 24, now [sic) 15 now 28 bordars,^ and then 12 acres of meadow, now 20 ; then I plough on the demesne, after- wards and now 2 ; then as now 3 ploughs be- longing to the men. Then wood(land) for 120 swine, now 60. Here belong [jacent) 21 soke- men (with) 2 ploughlands, and 10 acres of meadow and i bordar ; then as now 3 ploughs ; wood(land) for 10 swine ; then as now 4 beasts, 12 swine and 68 sheep. And 43 sokemen with 10 ploughlands and 60 acres of meadow, woodland for 40 swine; then as now 12 villeins and 46 f. 127. bordars. Then 24 ploughs, afterwards and now 16, and 2 mills : and in the aforesaid 43 sokemen other men had commendation, but Ralf added them all to this manor in King William's time. The whole was then worth 6 pounds and 13 shillings and 4 pence and 2 quarts of honey : ' See f. 1 10^. ^ See f. 1 19^. ' Probably this should read ' then and afterwards 9 villeins, now 15; then 24 bordars, novc 28.' Hundret of Gillecros [Guiltcross] Cheninkehala [Kenninghall] was held by King Edward (for) 5 ploughlands ; then as now 24 villeins and 24 bordars and 12 acres of meadow and I mill ; wood(land) for 300 swine. Then 1 plough on the demesne, afterwards and now 2 ; then 1 2 ploughs belonging to the men, after- wards and now 11, and i could be restored; then as now I rouncey ; and 12 sokemen, 1 00 acres of land, and 18 acres of meadow, and 2 mills ; then as now 3 ploughs, and I freeman f. 127b. (with) I ploughland and 2 villeins and 3 bordars ; wood(land) for 24 swine ; then as now I plough and half a plough belonging to the men. And Herlinga [Harling, (West)'], i outlying estate, then as now belonged to this manor ; I ploughland and 3 villeins and 4 bordars and 5 acres of meadow. Then (there was) I plough on the demesne and it could be restored, afterwards half (a plough), and 3 ploughs belonging to the men ; now 2, and the third could be restored. The whole was worth T.R.E. lopoundsand 5 quarts of honey ; afterwards 26 pounds, now 24 pounds ' See Feudal JUs, iii, 441. 55
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