A HISTORY OF NORFOLK blanch and 6 pounds by tale and a fine Cf^""'"-'^)- The whole of Chenikehala [Kenninghan] is i^ leagues in length and half (a league) in breadth and (pays) 2$ pence for geld. Cl-idenham [Quidenham] was held by Godinc (<,V) a freeman, of whom the abbot of St. Edmund had commendation only T.R.E. (as) i plough- land ; then as now 2 villeins and 2 bordars and 7 acres of meadow and I mill. Then half a plough on the demesne, afterwards and now i ; then^as now 2 oxen belonging to the men ; then as now I rouncey and 6 swine, i6 sheep, i hen it was worth 15 shillings, afterwards and now 30. This land the same Godric held of the abbot for ■i years after King V[illiam] came. Th,s sarne (land) Godwin, the uncle {auur,d') of Ralf the earl, took away from him wrongfully. The soke T R E (was) in Keninehehala [KennmghallJ (a manor) of the king, the whole is 5 furlongs in length and 4 furlongs in breadth and (pays) 1 7 pence and i farthing for geld. Gerboldesham [Garboldisham] was held by I freeman, Alvric, T.R.E. for a manor (of) 2 ploughlands ; then as now 3 bordars and 1 serf and 4 acres of meadow ; then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now i^ ploughs and a half could be restored. Then half (a plough belonging to the men ?), and afterwards and now the like,^and 8 swine, and 3 sokemen with 16 acres of land. Then as now half a plough Then it was worth 30 shillings, afterwards and now 40. In Gatesthorp [Gasthorpe] i freeman T.R.E. (held) I ploughland ; then 6 villeins, now 8 ; f. 138. then as now 5 bordars and 2 serfs and 8 acres of meadow ; then as now I plough on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belonging to the men, and 5 sokemen (with) 20 acres of land ; then as now I plough ; wood(land) for 12 swine. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 40. The whole hundret pays 20 (shillings), and the whole soke (is) in Keningehala [Kenninghall] : the whole of Gatesthor [Gasthorpe] is half a league in length and half in breadth and (pays) 7 pence for geld. Hundret of Galgou [Gallow] In Bruneham £Burnham >] T.R.E. Ulf held 3 ploughlands. Then 20 bordars, now 16 Then 12 serfs, now 8. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now 2. Then I plough belonging to the men, afterwards and now nothing. Wood(land) for 4 swine; 2^ mills. Then 7 rounceys and now, and 40 swine and 600 sheep ; i saltpan. There is i outlying estate (belonging) to this manor of I ploughland. Then i plough, afterwards none, now i . And 1 Either Bumham Ulf (Blomefield, vii, 31), or Burnham Westgate (ibid. 36). another outlying estate of I ploughland. Then I plough, and afterwards none, now I. To this manor belong 30 sokemen with i ploughland ; then 2 ploughs, afterwards none, now i. All this was wor'th T.R.E. 8 pounds, and afterwards when Ralf the earl held it 23 pounds and 13 shillings and 4 pence, now 20 pounds by tale ; and In the same vill (is) i freeman, Ketel, with {de) 20 acres, and another {alia) freeman, Oia, with 30 acres. Hundret of Holt [Holt] In Merstuna [Morston] i freeman with 30 acres of land and I bordar and half a plough, and he is worth 2 ' oras.' He was Guer's man T.R.E. and belongs [Jaat) in Stivekeia [Stifikey]. Hundret of Erpingeham North [North Erpingham] In Becheam [Beckham, (East)] T.R.E. Seiard Bar held i freeman ; Earl R[alf] annexed (him) [aMdit) to EiLEssAM [Aylsham], (with) 30 acres of land. Then as now i villein belong- ing in Eilessam [Aylsham], i bordar of i acre, and I sokeman (with) i acre. Then as now i plough. They are valued in Eilessam [Aylsham]. The king has soke and sac of the hundret of Nort- ERp'iNGHAM [North Erpingham] except over the land {prater terram) of Seiard Bar. Hundret of Walessam [Walsham] Walesam [Walsham, (South)] was held by Elflet, a freewoman, T.R.E. (for) 4 ploughlands. f. ii8b. Then as now 4 villeins, then 1 8 bordars, afterwards and now 23. Then as now 2 serfs and 2 ploughs on the demesne ; then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 2 ; 40 acres of meadow. Vood(land) for 1 5 swine. Then as now 2 beasts and 18 swine and 20 sheep. And 22 sokemen with {de) 80 acres of land and 10 acres of meadow; then 5 ploughs, afterwards and now 4. To this belongs I outlying estate (called) Modetuna [Moulton] (of) i plough- land. Then as now 2 bordars and i plough and I acre of meadow, and 3 sokemen with 1 8 acres of land and half a plough. The whole of this was then worth 1 00 shillings and afterwards 11 pounds, and now 12 pounds and 13 shillings and 4 pence blanch, and 20 shillings by tale for a fine {de gersumma ad compotum). And it is {hahet) I league in length and I in breadth, and (pays) for geld 4 shillings. Acle [Acle] was held by the old Earl R[alf] T.R.E. (as) 5 plough- lands. Then as now 23 villeins ; then 38 bor- dars, afterwards 30, now 38 ; then 3 serfs. Then as now 3 ploughs on the demesne ; then and after 10 ploughs belonging to the men, now 12; 50^ acres of meadow. VVood(land) for 56
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