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HOLDERS OF LANDS 20 swine, and 8 acres of meadow. Then as f. 131. now I horse at [hi) the hall and i beast, and then as now 14 swine. T.R.E. there belonged [adjacebant) to this manor 6 sokemen with all their custom, afterwards and now 26. Of whom R[alf] the earl added 20 with soke of the fold. Between (them) all 80.^ Then 5 ploughs, afterwards and now 4. There too (in eadem) (were) 5 freemen ; of 3 Hagane had commen- dation and Algar of 2, and in Uidetuna [Woodton] I freeman of Godwin's in commen- dation. Among them all 1^ ploughlands and 12 bordars. Then as now among them all 5 ploughs and 4 acres of meadow. Then the whole was worth 4 pounds, afterwards and now 8 (pounds) blanch, and 20 shillings by tale for fine {de gersumma). Of this 8 pounds these 6 free- men contribute (dant) 27 shillings and 4 pence. It is I league in length and half (a league) in breadth, and (pays) 1 1 pence for geld whoever may hold there. Over these freemen King Edward used to have the soke, but R[alf] the earl held it wrongfully when he made forfeiture. SisLANDA [Sisland] was held by Ketel a free- man of Edwin's by commendation only, for a manor (of) 2 ploughlands. Then as now 3 bor- dars and I serf. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now none. Then as now half a plough belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 4 swine, and 5 acres of meadow. Then i mill, afterwards none. Then 1 3 sokemen, afterwards and now 9^, and King Edward (had) the soke ; 26 acres of land. Then as now 2 ploughs. Then it was worth 20 shillings, afterwards and now 40 (shillings) blanch ; and it is 8 furlongs in length and 7 in breadth and 1 1 perches, and (pays) 8 pence for geld. In Mundaham [Mundham] half a church with 10 acres. In WoDETUNA [Woodton] 2 freemen (with) 12 acres of land, and they belong to Etona [Eaton-] and are valued there. In Scotessam [Shotesham] 10 acres, and it belongs to {jacet in) Bedingaham [Bedingham]. HUNDRET OF EnSFORDA [EyNESFORD] Salla [Sail] was held by Godwin uncle of Ralf the earl T.R.E. (for) 3 ploughlands ; then as now 7 villeins, then 6 bordars, afterwards and now 8 ; then as now 2 serfs ; then 3 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now 2 ; then as f. 131b. now 3 ploughs belonging to the men, and 6 acres of meadow; wood(land) for 100 swine. Then as now 2 rounceys and lo beasts and 30 swine and 30 sheep. And 9^^ sokemen (with) 46 acres of land and half an acre of meadow ; then as now I ^ploughs. And 6 freemen, i^ plough- 1 sic : 80 (acres) i Seef. 135- lands, and 6 bordars, and 6 acres of meadow ; wood(land) for 16 swine. Then 6 ploughs, after- wards and now 4 ; then it was worth 4 pounds, afterwards 100 shillings, now 10 pounds blanch and 20 shillings for a fine [de gersumma) by tale ; and it is i league in length and half (a league) in breadth, and pays 6 pence and a halfpenny towards the king's geld whoever may hold there. The soke of those sokemen is in the king's manor of Folsam [Foulsham]. Tyrninga [Thurning] was held by Ulf a freeman T.R.E. (as) i ploughland ; then as now 6 villeins and 9 bordars and i serf; then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and li ploughs belonging to the men, and 10 acres of meadow; wood(land) for 60 swine, and half a mill, and 4 rounceys and 20 beasts and 16 swine and 50 sheep. And 6 sokemen, (with) 16 acres of land ; then as now li ploughs upon the soke. The soke is in the king's (manor of) Folsam [Foulsham] ; then and afterwards it was worth 60 shillings, now 100 shillings blanch and 10 shillings fine {gersumma) by tale ; and it is 5 furlongs in length and 6 in breadth, and pays 5 pence to the king's geld. In Wittcingeham [Witchingham] 3 free- men (with) I J ploughlands; then as now 2 villeins and 9 bordars ; then as now 4 ploughs and 9 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 30 shillings blanch. HuNDRET OF TaVRESHAM [TaVERHAM] Sprowestuna [Sprowston] was held by Edric T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands. Then i villein. Then 6 bordars, now 5. Then i plough on the demesne, afterwards and now half (a plough). Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, after- wards and now I, and the others (sic) could be restored. Wood(land) for 6 swine. Here be- long (jacent) 2 freemen in Catetuna [Catton] (with) 60 acres. Then 2 ploughs, afterwards and now I. And in Besetuna [Beeston (St. Andrew)] f. 132. 6 freemen (with) 30 acres of land. Then 2 ploughs, afterwards and now i, and 2 acres of meadow : and in Vrocsham [Wroxham] 2 free- men, 60 acres of land, and 2 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, afterwards and now i. This is all in the valuation [in pretio) of Ettuna [Eaton ']. In Racheitha [Rackheath] 3 freemen, 3 plough- lands, and 3 villeins, and 12 bordars; then 4 serfs. Then 5 ploughs, afterwards and now 4, and 7 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 60, and is I league in length and 8 furlongs in breadth, and (pays) 15 pence for geld. Here belong 9 freemen in Besetuna [Beeston (St. Andrew)] with 40 acres, then as now I plough ; and they are in the same valuation. The king and earl (have) the soke. And Bestuna ' Seef. 135. 59