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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK [Beeston (St. Andrew)] is half a league in length and 5 furlongs in breadth, and pays lO pence to the king's geld HUNDRET OF ErPINCHAM SuD [South Erpingham] Elesham [Aylsham] was held by Guert TRE as 1 6 ploughlands. Then 20 villems, afterwards and now" 1 1. Then and afterwards 88 bordars, now 65. Then and afterwards 2 serfs, now 3. Then 6 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now i, and 6 can be used [fieri); 12 acres of meadow. 1 hen wood(land) for 400 swine, afterwards and now •^00 Then as now 2 mills ; then as now 7 swine and 6 sheep and 7 goats. Then and afterwards 60 sokemen, now 46, and they have i ploughlandsand 14 bordars. Then 30 ploughs, afterwards and now 24, and 9 acres of meadow, wood(land) for 12 swine ; then as now 2 mills and 6 ploughs. To this^ manor belongs i outlymg estate, SciPEDANA [Shipdham], I ploughland, and then as now 4 villeins. Then 4 bordars, afterwards and now 2 ; then as now i plough on the demesne and I plough belonging to the men, and half an acre of meadow ; wood(land) for 8 swme. And Brundala [Brundall] belongs [jacet) to this manor, 30 acres of land. Then i plough and 2 acres of meadow. Then it (i.e. Aylshani) was worth 12 pounds, afterwards 25 pounds blanch, now 29 pounds blanch and 20 shillings for a fine Ue gerwnma) ; and it is 2 leagues m length and 2 in breadth, and (pays) 20 pence for geld. Here (is) i freeman (with) 5 acres and he is f. 132b. worth 16 pence. This Humfry, nephew of Ranulf brother of Ilger, held, but the hundred awarded {deratlonavit) it to the king, and there- upon (he) gave security [ex hoc dedit vadem), and yet his predecessor held it. Saxthorp [Saxthorpe] was held by Godwin T.R.E. (for) 2 ploughlands ; then as now 10 villeins and 10 bordars and 2 serfs ; then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards 3 ploughs belonging to the men, now 2 and 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 60 swine. Then i mill, afterwards and now 2 ; then as now 4 rounceys and 20 beasts and 50 swine and 50 goats; and 15* sokemen 40 acres of land and 3 ploughs, and 2 acres of meadow, wood(land) for 12 swine : and I free- man, 30 acres of land, then as now i plough, woodland for 4 swine, and i acre of meadow And I outlying estate, Matelasc [Matlask] (of) li ploughlands; then as now 7 villeins, and r plough on the demesne and i plough belonging to the men, wood(land) for 20 swine, and "15 ^sokemen with i^ ploughlands, and 2 acres of meadow, wood(land) for 20 swine ; then as now 4 ploughs. Then it was worth 4 pounds, afterwards 6, now 10 pounds blanch, and 20 shillings of f^ne {de gersumma). And it is I league in fen^th and another in breadth, and (pays) 12 pence for geld. And Matelasc [Mat- lask] is 3 furlongs in length and 2 in breadth, and (pays) 3 pence for geld. Manictuna [Mannington] was held by God- win T.R.E. (as) 2 ploughlands ; then 6 villeins, afterwards 5, now 4 ; then as now 10 bordars ; then 2 serfs, afterwards and now i. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now i. Then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 2, and 2 acre's of meadow. Then wood- (land) for 60 swine, afterwards and now 30 ; then as now 2 mills, and 2 rounceys, and 14 swine and 8 sheep and 40 goats ; and 5 soke- men (with) 24 acres of land, then as now I plough, wood(land) for 4 swine. Then it was worth 60 shillings, afterwards 80, now 100 blanch and 16 pence, and 20 shillings of fine {de ger- summa), and it is i league in length and 4 fur- longs in breadth and (pays) 3 pence and 3 farthings for geld. In Belaga [Belaush] (are) 2 sokemen belong- ing to St. Benet [of Holm] (with) 34 acres ot land, and in Berneswrde [? Barningham, (Little)] 1 sokeman belonging to the same (with) 16 acres ; then as now 3" bordars and i^ ploughs and 3 acres of meadow. These sokemen Ralf held when he made forfeiture. Now Godric (holds them) as part of {ad) the king's fee ; and it is in the valuation of iElsaham [Aylsham]. In ScoTOHOU [Scottow] I sokeman belonging to St. Benet (with) 43 acres (of land) ; then as now 2 bordars. He is held in the same way {eodem modo de isto) as the others. In Crachefort [' Crakeford ' ^] i freeman of Guert's, I ploughland ; then as now 3 bordars ; then 1 1 ploughs, now I, and 2 acres of meadow, now I mill"; and this is in the valuation of Ailesham [Aylsham], and is 4^ furlongs in length and 4 furlongs in breadth, and (pays) 4 pence for geld. In Utrincham [Itteringham] i freeman of Guert's, I ploughland ; then as now 5 bordars and 2 ploughs and" I acre of meadow ; wood(land) for 5 swine : (it is) in the same valuation and tlie whole is I league in length and half (a league) in breadth and (pays) 5 pence and a halfpenny for geld. In Hevincham [Hevingham] (is) I free- man, a priest, (with) 40 acres of land in almoign, and he sings 3 masses every week;, then as now I plough and I acre of meadow, wood(land) for 10 swine; and he is worth 5 shillings and 4 pence. And I sokeman (with) 8 acres, and he ' Including Tuttington with parts of Banningham and Aylsham. See Blomefield, vi, 826, 349. 60