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to kill field rats and mice.

In the dog days the fields are generally bare; then find out their holes or nests, which are little and round, like an augurhole, and put hemlock seed thereinto, or hellebore mixed with barley; they eat it greedily, so it kills them.

to drive away bats or rear mice.

The smoke of ivy burned does.


1st. Take a head or two of garlick, onion, or leek, and put it into their holes, and they will run out as if amazed, and so you may with a spear or dog take them.

2d. Beat hellebore, white or black, and with wheat flour, the white of an egg, milk and sweet wine or metheglin, make it into paste, and put small pellets as big as a small nut into their holes, and they eat it with pleasure, and it kills them.

3d. Take the bark of dogs cole, powder it, and mix it with wheat flour, or barley meal, or rye flour, and with milk and wine make a paste, put some of these pellets into their holes, and they will eat it, and it kills them.

4th. Take marking stone and wild cucumber juice, and pour it into their holes. Some set traps at the mouth of their holes.

5th. In places you would not dig nor break much, the fuming their holes with bristone, garlick, or other unsavoury things, drives them away, and if you put a dead mole into a common haunt, it will make them absolutely forsake it.

to take moles when you plough.

1st. Take with you a large vessel full of water, and when you see any new mole holes cast up, being opened with the plough, pour therein pitchers or large cans of water, and that will make them in a little time come