Page:Vermin killer (1).pdf/8

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out, and thus, you may destroy them in ploughed land or pasture; in common land make trenches in spring time to catch them.

2d'. Some say that in gendering time, if you lead or draw a bitch mole in a string along the ground, the buck will trace her, and so you may catch them in a pot set in the ground.


Take sal armoniac, and beat it, and with wheat flour and honey, make it into a paste, with the white of an egg, and lay it in pellets where they come, and they eat it, and it kills them.

weasels to fright away mice.

Put bells about his neck, and let him run about your house, and he'll frighten away all the mice. 'Tis their nature to destroy mice, therefore some people love to have them about their houses.


1st. Caterpillars destroy the leaves of trees, and devour cabbages and other tillage, and are generally the effects of great droughts. To prevent their numerous increase on trees, gather them off in winter, taking the prickets away that cleave to the branches, and burn them.

2d. When they are upon coleworts or cabbages, take some salt water and water them with it, and it will kill them.

3d. Our gardeners shake them off the plants in a morning betimes, for whilst they are touched with the cold of the night, they easily drop down

4th. The most hurtful is the wolf and calender worm, that lurk in the heart of flower buds, shutting them up that they cannot open, which they cousume; the trees that blow early, look as if singed by lightning; those that blow late are not so subject to this evil.