Page:Vice punished, and virtue rewarded (1).pdf/18

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my liberty, and my all. Happy me, had I listened to your advice in my non-age; happy still, as by your means I have been directed to the paths of virtue. 'Tis to you I am indepted for my present comfortable situation, ans the dawning prospect of future happiness: the b l s of lading, &c. are sent by Mr and all your business here, with which I am intrusted, shall be executed with the utmost diligence and fidelity. I have only to add my prayers for the continuation of your life and health, who have been so beneficial to many, but more particulary to,

Honoured sir.
Your most humble, most obliged,
tho' most unworthy servant,
Francbs Froward.

Sir Thomas was highly pleased with the purpo,t of his leter. tho' he railed the captain for letting him know to whom he was obliged for his freedom. The same ship was sent the next season on the same voyage, when the captain was ordered to pay Mr. Froward the full price for the rum and sugar he had sent