Page:Vice punished, and virtue rewarded (1).pdf/19

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T. Thoroughgood and F. Froward.

to the knight, and to deliver him the following letter.



I thank you for the acknowledgement you made for the good offices I did you, and shall ever esteem the present as it was intended; but have neither power nor inclination to rob you of any thing you have acquired by dent of merit. My design is, to add to your acquisitions, and not to diminish them, as you will experience; only persevere in your present course of life, and you will make me ample amends for all have done, or can do for you. I am, sir,

Your real friend,

T. Thoroughgood.

Mr. Froward, who was uneasy that his friend refused his present, continued in a thriving condition for several years. And now his wife died without issue; he, grown very rich, and advanced in years, disposed of all the sugar-work, and left off all manner of business, except