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T. Thoroughgood and F. Froward.

Item. s the poor convicts in prison, where I had once the misfortune to be confined, are not attended, and instructed as the ought to be, by persons who seek their eternal salvation; I do give and bequeath fifty pounds a year, to purchase for their use such books as the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, and sheriffs of London and Middlesex shall think proper to put into their hands.

Item As the laws of England, however wisely constructed, have made no provision for poor people born in distant parts, and b come miserable here, but left them to perish in the streets, lanes and public places; I do give and bequeath five hundred pounds a-year, to be laid out for their relief in such a manner as shall seem most agreeabl to the Lord-ayer o London, for the time being, and to the ru ees, that be nominated by my executors.

Item And as many poor tradsemen and labourers are artfully seduced and