Page:Vice punished, and virtue rewarded (1).pdf/22

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persuaded, to enter themselves on board merchant ships for this and other colonies in his Majesty's Dominions, and are afterwards at sea, unwarily drawn in to indent themselves servants to the owners of the vessel, and from that moment commence slaves; and as such are sold in the public markets of the colonies, and generaly ill-trated; I do give and bequeath five hundred pounds a-year for the redemption of such unhappy people, and to the prosecution of those who have been the abettors and contrivers of their ruin.

Item As gratitude is of all oigblations the greatest and most acceptable, I do give and bequeath to my dear friend Mr Thomas Thoroughgood, Merchant in London, who saved me from an ignominious death, and redeemed me from slavery, all the rest and residue of my real and personal estate; and I do nominate and appoint him, and his heirs executors for ever. In witness wherof, I have hitherto set my hand and seal, this third day of May, 1788.

Francis Froward.