at length taken near Enfield, and brought to his trial at the Old-Bailey, during his fellow-prentice's Mayorality, and caſt for his life. When he was brought to the bar to receive ſentence, his Lordſhip recollecting Mr Froward's name examined who he was, and aſked if he was not the ſame perſon that ſerved his time with Mr Alderman———, in Cheapſide. This he poſitively deemed; but notwithſtanding, he uſed all poſſible means to diſguiſe himſelf his perſon and ſpeech betrayed him. My Lord animated with the principles of compaſſion and benevolence, and imagining that his deſign of concealing himſelf, in this wretched ſituation, might very probably proceed from ſhame or deſpair took no further notice of it in court, but forgetting his preſent diſgrace, as well as his former arrogance and indiſcretion, privately procured his ſentence to be changed into tranſportation for life.
The ſhip in which Mr Froward