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embarked, drove, by ſtreſs of weather, into a certain port in Jamaica where, in leſs than ten days, he was ſold to a noted planter and doomed to perpetual ſlavery You may imagine how shocking this proſpect muſt appear to a gentleman, who had juſt before, ſquandered away a good eſtate in indolence and pleaſure, who never knew what it was to work, nor had never given himſelf time to think upon the nature of induſtry. However, he no ſooner began to reflect upon his preſent wretched ſituation, and his late providential deliverance from death. than he alſo began to repent of his former tranſgreſſions; and finding himſelf in a ſtrange country, unknown to any perſon about him he patiently ſubmitted his neck to the yoke, and endured his ſervility, with an uncommon fortitude of mind in the firſt place he determined during all the time of his labour to offer up continual thankſgivings to Almighty God, for his manifold mercies beſtowed on ſo unworthy a creature,and