Imprimis.I bequeath my ſoul to Almighty God that gave it, hoping, and fully truſting, that I ſhall be ſaved and made eternally happy by the merits of my dear Redeemer Jeſus Chriſt, who ſuffered for me and all mankind.
Item. As the poor convicts in priſon, where I had once the misfortune to be confined, are not attended, and inſtructed as they ought to be, by perſons who ſeek their eternal ſalvation; I do give and bequeath fifty pounds a year, to purchaſe for their uſe, ſuch books as the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, and Sheriffs of London and Middleſex ſhall think proper to put into their hands.
Item. As the laws of England, however wiſely conſtructed, have made no proviſion for poor people born in diſtant parts, and become miſerable there, but left them to periſh in the ſtreets, lanes, and public places; I do give and bequeathfive