hundred pounds a year, to be laid out for their relief, in ſuch a manner as ſhall ſeem moſt agreeable to the Lord-Mayor of London, for the time being, and to the truſtees that ſhall be nominated by my executors.
Item. And as many poor tradesmen and labourers are artfully ſeduced and perſuaded, to enter themſelves on board merchant ſhips, for this and other colonies in his Majeſty's dominions, and are afterwards at ſea, unwarily drawn in to indent themſelves ſervants to the owners of the veſſel, and from that moment commence ſlaves; and as ſuch are ſold in the public markets of the colonies, and generally ill-treated; I do give and bequeath five hundred pounds a year, for the redemption of ſuch unhappy people, and for the proſecution of thoſe who have been the abettors and contrivers of their ruin.