Page:Victor Hugo's Works (Guernsey Edition) v14.djvu/96

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To him, and he to me! Oh, bitterness!
Now spurned for each new leman of the hour!
Oh, he shall learn how terrible is hate
That grows of love abused!
[Taking a phial from her bosom.
Come, bosom friend,
That hast lain cold, of late, against my heart,
As if to whisper to it, "Be thou stone,
When the time calls for me." [Looking at the phial.
Each drop's a death!
What matter who she be? Enough for me
That she usurps the place that should be mine
In Galeotto's love! Hark! some one comes.

[She conceals the phial, and resumes her mask. Enter two Chamberlains with white wands, L., followed by Attendants bearing a banquet, and pass into the inner room; after them a Page, with wine in a golden flagon; goblets, fruit, etc., on a salver. She stops him, as he is going through the folding-doors.

Hold, sir; set down your charge.


By your leave, madame:
'T is for my lord.


Since when was that an answer
To give thy lady? [Removes her mask.

PAGE (aside).

'T is the Duchess! [Respectfully.] Pardon,
I knew you not.


Enough, sir, set it down,
And wait without till I bid thee bear in.
[Exit Page, L., after placing the salver on the table.
What need of further proof? Is 't heaven or hell