Page:Victor Hugo's Works (Guernsey Edition) v14.djvu/97

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That sends this apt occasion? Galeotto,
I warned thee in the springtime of our loves,
This hand could kill as easy as caress;
You laughed, and took it in your ampler palm,
And said that death were pleasant from such white
And taper fingers. Try it now!
[She pours some of the contents of the phial into the flagons of wine.
'T is done!

[Re-enter Bertuccio, L., hastily.


Hide, here, Madonna: here their lordships come!
I met them on the way, so brave and merry!
My gossip Galeotto bids them here,
To feast with him and her!

[Exit Bertuccio L. Francesca starts as if stung, then goes to the door and beckons. Re-enter, Page, L. She signs to him: he bears in the wine.

FRANCESCA (aside).

Their doom is sealed!

[She retires behind curtained entrance, R. Re-enter Bertuccio, with Ascolti and Ordelaffi, L.


It is your due; you that go out bat-fowling
Lack wine o' mornings to keep up your hearts.


Why, thou wert there, knave; yet try thou to enter
Into the presence, and they'll whip thee back;
His Highness wants no fool to-day!