Page:Vision of Almet (2).pdf/19

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of the cave, with my face to the eaſt, reſigning myſelf to the ſecret influences of the Prophet, and expecting illumination from above One morning after my nocturnal vigil, juſt as I perceived the horizon glow at the approach of the ſun, the power of ſleep became irreſiſtable, and I ſunk under it. I imagined myſelf ſtill ſitting at the entrance of my cell; that the dawn increaſed, and that as I looked earneſtly for the firſt beam of day, a dark ſpot appeared to intercept it. I perceived that it was in motion; it increaſed in ſize as it drew near, and at length I diſcovered it to be an eagle I ſtill kept my eye fixed ſtedfaſtly upon it, and ſaw it alight at a ſmall diſtance, where I now diſcried a fox, whoſe two fore-legs appeared to be broken. Before this fox the eagle laid part of a kid, which it had brought in its talons and diſappeared. When I awaked, I laid my fore-head upon the ground, and bleſſed the Prophet for the inſtruction of the morning, I reviewed my dream, and ſaid thus to myſelf, 'Coſrou thou haſt done well to renounce the tumult, and buſineſs and the vanities of life;