Page:Vision of Almet (2).pdf/20

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but thou haſt as yet only done it in part; Thou art ſtill every day buſied in the ſearch of food; thy mind is not wholly at reſt neither is thy truſt in Providence complete What art thou taught by this viſion? If thou haſt ſeen an eagle commiſſioned by Heaven to feed a fox that is lame, ſhall not the hand of Heaven alſo ſupply thee with food, when that which prevents thee from procuring it to thyſelf, it is not neceſſity, but devotion? I was now ſo confident of a miraculous ſupply, that I neglected to walk out for my repaſt, which, after the firſt day, I expected with an impatience that left me little power of attending unto any other object: This impatience, however, I laboured to ſuppreſs and perſiſted in my reſolution; but my eyes at length began to fail me, and my knees ſmote each other: I threw myſelf backward, and hoped my weakneſs would ſoon increaſe to inſenſibility But I was ſuddenly rouſed by the voice of an inviſible being, who pronounced theſe words: 'Coſrou, I'm the angel who by the command of the Almighty, have regiſtered the thoughts of thy heart, which I am now