Page:Vision of Almet (2).pdf/21

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commiſſioned to reprove. Whilſt thou waſt attempting to become wiſe above that which is revealed thy folly has perverted the inſtructions which were vouchſafed to thee. Art thou diſabled as a fox? Haſt thou not rather the powers of the eagle? Ariſe, let the eagle be the object of thy emulation. To pain and ſickneſs be thou again the meſſenger of eaſe and health. Virtue is not reſt but action If thou doſt good to man as an evidence of thy love to God, thy virtue will be exalted from mortal to divine; and that happineſs, which is the pledge of Paradiſe, will be thy reward upon earth."

"At theſe words, I was not leſs aſtonished than if a mountain had been overturned at my feet. I humbled myſelf in the duſt; I returned to the city; I dug up my treaſure: I was liberal, yet I became rich. My ſkill in reſtoring health to the body, gave me frequent opportunities of curing the diſeaſes of the ſoul. I put on the ſacred veſtments; I grew eminent beyond my merit; and it was the pleaſure of the King that I ſhould ſtand before him. Now, therefore, be not offended; I boaſt of no knowledge