205. When the unreal ceases to exists this very individual soul is definitely realised as the eternal Self. Therefore one must make it a point to completely remove things like egoism etc. from the eternal Self.
[ Things — which are in reality superimpositions.]
206. This Knowledge Sheath (Vijnana- maya) that we have been speaking of, cannot be the Supreme Self for the follow- ing reasons — because it is subject to change, because it is insentient, is a limited thing, an object of the senses, and is not constantly present: An unreal thing cannot indeed be taken for the real Atman.
[ Subject to change. — Whereas the Atman is changeless, Knowledge Absolute, unlimited, the eternal Subject, and the universal substratum of all things. Just as the rope is the only reality witbi regard to the mistaken snake-idea etc, ]
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