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207. The Blissful Sheath (Anandamaya) is that modification of Nescience which manifests itself catching a reflection of the Atman which is Bliss absolute; whose attiibutes are pleasure and the rest ; which appears in view when some object agree- able to oneself presents itself. It makes itself spontaneously felt to the fortunate during the fruition of their virtuous deeds ; from which every corporeal being derives great joy without the least effort.

[ Modification of Nescience — The experience of the Sushupti state will be spoken of in the next Sloka to be the typical enjoyment of the Anandamaya Kosha. And deep sleep is always a state of intense ignorance. Hence this Sheath must be a modifica- tion of Nescience.

Pleasure and the rest — The reference is to the Taittiriya Upa. II. v., where Friya, Moda and Pramoda ( various degrees of enjoyment ) are said to be the attributes of the Anandamaya Kosha. ]

208. The Blissful Sheath has its fullest play during profound sleep, while in the dreaming and wakeful states it has only a partial manifestation, occasioned by the

sight of agreeable objects and so forth.

[ Sight... so for tk — actual sense perception (in the waking state), or memory-impressions (in dream).]

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