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[ Proofs — other than Revelation, viz., direct per- ception and inference. Revelation also merely hints at It.

Established &c. — We cannot deny the Self for the Vedas speak of It.

Ever familiar ^'c. — Nobody can ever conceive that he is not. For a discussion on the subject refer to the Sariraka Bhashya on the Brahma- Sutras I. i. 2.]

410. The wise one realises in his heart, through Samadhi, the Infinite Brahman which is undecaying and immortal, the positive Entity which precludes all nega- tions, which resembles the placid ocean and is without a name, where there are neither merits nor demerits, — which is eternal, pacified and One.

[ Entity which precludes &c. — Being the Abso- lute Reality there is no room in It for any kind of Abh^va, such as Pragabhava (previous non- existence, as of a jar before it was made), Pra- dhwams^bh^va ( cessation by destruction, as when the jar is broken to pieces) and the like. ]

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