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411. With the mind restrained in Sama- dhi, behold in thy Self the Atman, of infinite glory,— cut off thy bondage strengthened by the impressions of pre- vious births, and carefully attain the con- summation of thy birth as a human being.'

[ Consummation &c.—\. e. Moksha, which is only possible in a human birth. ]

412. Meditate on the Atman which re- sides in thee, which is devoid of ^11 limiting adjuncts,— the Existence-Knowl- edge-Bliss Absolute, the One without a second, — and thou shalt no more come under the round of birth and death.

[ Resides in thee—'^s thy own Being. ]

413. The sage never more attaches him- self to this body— which is visible as an appearance merely, like the shadow of a man, owing to the experience of the effects

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