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mother, and proud indeed must have been the parent to share in the ovation which fell from every side upon the renowned conqueror, and to witness the scenes of his achievements.[1]

After waiting at San Domingo for over two months, in vain expectation of the new oidores, Cortés found the cost of maintaining four hundred men too severe; he therefore proceeded, and arrived safely at Vera Cruz the 15th of July.

His reception was not unlike that tendered him four years before, when he was hailed by oppressed natives and persecuted Spaniards as a savior. It was not fully understood on the present occasion what power he possessed, but the mere presence of the hero, fresh from the hallowed circle of the court, and radiant with the honors and retinue of a grandee, was enough to obtain for him an ovation worthy of his pretensions. The natives, in whose eyes none could compare with Malinche, the conqueror, were the most demonstrative, as with flowers they strewed the path before him, and crowded round to place at his feet their presents, from the humble offering of provisions on the part of the poor common people, to the embroidered robes and glittering jewels of the caciques and nobles.[2] The demonstrations by the Spaniards, who flocked from every part of the country to meet him,[3] were fraught chiefly with abusive accounts of the audiencia, and loud complaints over the outrages committed against them.

Cortés exhibited his commission to the municipality of Vera Cruz, and caused himself to be proclaimed captain-general, whereupon he took formal possession

  1. Under their care came a number of Franciscan nuns and a dozen friars of the order of Mercy. Bernal Diaz, Hist, Verdad., 231; Pacheco and Cárdenas, Col. Doc., xiii. 412.
  2. A later investigation made it appear that the costly presents were withdrawn from the eyes of officials, and that Cortés sent secretly to Spain some 10,000 pesos' worth of trinkets. Informacion, in Pacheco and Cárdenas, Col. Doc., xii. 531-40.
  3. 'Casi todos los Españoles de Mexico, con achaque de salir a recibir le. En pocos dias se le jutaron mas de mil.' Gomara, Hist. Mex., 286-7.