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and possessing a fine, temperate climate. Hence Guadalajara became from the first a place of importance, and grew in size and influence until it ranked as one of the great centres of civilization in New Spain.

In 1543, soon after his return to Mexico, Vazquez de Coronado so far recovered his health as to resume the duties of office. He was the last military governor of Nueva Galicia, and resigned in 1545. Baltasar Gallegos then ruled in the capacity of alcalde mayor for several years,[1] until indeed, in 1548, a new form of government — an audiencia subordinate to that of Mexico — was installed at Compostela.[2] The powers of that body included those of governor and Judiciary.

The jurisdiction of the audiencia included the whole of New Galicia, with all the known territory toward the north and north-east, and also a strip of coast southward, embracing Colima, Zacatula, and the towns

  1. See Beaumont, Crón. Mich., v.6. In Chimalpain, Hist. Cong, ii. sup., 38, it is implied that Gallegos succeeded Oñate in 1542.
  2. Pursuant to royal decree of Feb. 18, 1548. Recop. de Ind., i. 326. Calle, Mem. y Not., 89, Beaumont, Crón. Mich., v. 94-5, Herrera, dec. viii. lib. iv. cap. xii., and Cavo, Tres Siglos, i. 148, erroneously give the year 1547, and Frejes, Hist. Breve, 1549. In the Decades, in Pacheco and Cárdenas, Col. Doc., viii. 30, July 13, 1548, is mentioned. This is probably the date of instalment at Compostela, as Oviedo, iii. 578, names the three oidores, Quiñones, Sepúlveda, and Contreras, who were sent from Spain in May 1548. Sepúlveda died on the voyage. Under date of November 2, 1548, Quiñones makes recommendations to the emperor as to the proper course to pursue in the administration of justice in New Galicia. Pacheco and Cárdenas, Col. Doc., x. 52-6. The decree issued at Valladolid, December 8, 1550, by the queen, defined the jurisdiction, especially in appeals. Another of Dec. 19th, of the same year, gave the audiencia of Mexico the right of revising the decisions of that of New Galicia, where the alcalde mayor and the oidores of the latter disagreed. Aug. 28, 1552, it was further defined that the audiencia of Mexico, in the visit to that of New Galicia, was not to meddle in the affairs of the latter, except when the judicial decisions were appealed from. Puga, Cedulario, 161, 180, 183. In the year last named, May 8th, the king had been advised that the oidores Contreras and La Marcha were misbehaving, as they oppressed the Indians, and hindered their colleagues. The Licenciado Lebron de Quiñones was prominently brought before the emperor for president and governor of New Galicia. Valencia, Fray Angel, Carta al Emp., in Cartas de Ind., 110-11. Mendieta mentions Lebron as an upright, God-fearing man. Hist. Ecles., 480. He proved to be otherwise. The powers of this audiencia were continued with few subsequent restrictions till March 19, 1555; the king in council then ruled that the audiencia of New Spain, the viceregal chair being vacant, should govern the country and exercise authority over that of New Galicia. In army and treasury affairs the latter was at all times under the viceroy's authority. Calle, Mem. y Not., 43.