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Page:Vol 2 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/701

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Philippines.[1] Then followed the usual admonitions, opportunities to recant, to repent, and finally the fierce flames, the foretaste of eternal torments.

Before the installation of the dread tribunal it was not known that the country's religion was in danger from Jews or heretics; had the number of dissenters been large, and the danger imminent from any action on their part, the community, consisting mostly of Catholics, would have taken the alarm, and the ecclesiastical court have laid a heavy hand on the obnoxious members, as in 1558, with regard to Tomson and Boacio. It is indeed remarkable how quickly after the court went into existence it managed to find subjects to work upon, especially among the Portuguese, persecuted for reasons foreign to religion. The charges made were often without the slightest foundation, personal grievance or vindictiveness alone prompting the informers. Else it would have been impossible for the court to pick out of the small population of Mexico over two thousand persons who had within thirty years made themselves amenable to punishment. It must be borne in mind that it had been made obligatory upon all persons to report to the inquisition, under the charge of secrecy, everything heard or seen that savored of heresy in the witness' estimation. Hence the holy office before long became as much dreaded as had been the Aztec war-god. The authority of the inquisitorial court was paramount to all others, and its officers and servants were privileged. Any act or expression against that tribunal or its supremacy would sooner or later reach its knowledge, and the person so speaking be made to feel its power.[2]

  1. Torquemada, iii. 380, after an elaborate description of the whole affair, fails to give the number of each class, and the punishments awarded. Some of them were as a matter of course burned alive. Respecting this last class, he adds, 'cada vno de estos porfiados Judios, podia ser Rabino en vna Sinagogo. Celebròse con grande Magestad, quedaudo el Pueblo, con no poco asombro de los Ritos, y Ceremonias, de estos Hereges Judaiçantes, y delitos graves, que allí se leieron.'
  2. A case in point, in the proceedings in Mérida, Yucatan, and in Mexico