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of repose, employing him at such work as he liked, and availing himself of the old provincial's great experience.[1] Father Plaza arrived from Peru in December 1579, bringing Father Diego García and Brother Marcos.[2] The services of the Jesuits were successfully employed by the viceroy in carrying Christian instruction into certain towns. During the great epidemic that decimated the natives in 1575-8, they labored assiduously in caring for and administering the sacraments to the sick and dying. In 1590 arrived as visitador of the province Father Diego de Avellaneda, one of the most learned and virtuous men that had come to America.[3]

The Jesuits early began to extend their field of labor. They entered Oajaca in 1575 and made good progress there.[4] In Puebla they had advanced considerably by 1580 and established the college of San Gerónimo, which they were, however, on the point

  1. Sanchez had been, before he was assigned to Mexico, rector at Alcalá. At his death, which occurred July 16, 1600, he was 81 years of age, and had served 50 years in the order. Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, ii. 18, doubtingly gives July 15, 1609, as the date of Sanchez' demise. The viceroy, inquisitors, clergy, and community at large manifested their high respect and love during his last illness, and at his death their deep sorrow. The cortege that accompanied his remains to their last resting-place in the college of San Pedro y San Pablo consisted of the highest dignitaries and officials in the country, both secular and ecclesiastic, and an immense concourse of mourners from all classes. Florencia, Hist. Prov. Jesvs, 377-80
  2. Doctor Plaza was a learned man of exemplary virtue and much experience, possessing an intimate knowledge of the spirit of the society of Jesus. Brother Márcos had been a companion of Francis Borgia, his Fidus Achates till the general's death. Florencia, Hist. Prov. Jesvs, 406-7; Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, i. 161-5. The second provincial council of the order took place in Mexico November 2, 1585, Father Pedro de Hortigosa being chosen its proctor at the courts of Rome and Madrid. Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, i. 200.
  3. He had been rector of a newly founded college in Madrid. Philip II. sent him to Germany with his embassador; he there rendered important service to the church. While in Vienna the marriage of the Princess Isabel, the emperor's daughter, with Charles IX. of France took place. The emperor attached him to her suite as father-confessor, and he accompanied her to the frontier of France. Finding that the French princes and nobility were not pleased with the idea of a Spaniard holding such a position at their court, however great his merit might be, he begged permission to retire, and returned to Vienna, where he won the admiration of Emperor Maximilian by his piety and wisdom. Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, i. 226-7. Early in 1595 took place in Mexico the third council of the order. Id., i. 251.
  4. The order opened a college in Antequera, and in a short time spread its members throughout the diocese. Florencia, Hist. Prov. Jesus, 229-30; Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, i. 96-101, 122-4, 172-3.