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is rated on a 5 point scale: “R”(Remedial Work Required), “E” (Entry Level), “I” (Intermediate Level), “P” (Proficient), and “A” (Advanced). In order to pass a rotation, an intern must achieve a rating of “I” or higher on all competencies. If an intern has any competency rated “R” (Remedial Work Required) or “E” (Entry Level) for an extended period of time, a remediation plan will be implemented to assist the intern in acquiring the identified competency. In some cases, this may involve repeating the rotation. All rotations must be passed to complete the internship. This could require extension of the internship past one year in order to achieve successful completion.

C. Navy Fitness Report. All Navy officers receive annual Fitness Reports, an evaluation of their performance both in their areas of specialization and, more generally, regarding their leadership abilities, team work, etc. These reports are prepared by the Program Director and forwarded to Senior Navy leadership for review and signature.

II. Internship Program Evaluation

At the mid-point and end of the internship year, each intern will submit a written evaluation of the training program to the Program Director. This report discusses both specific aspects of each rotation, as well as an overall assessment of the training program’s success in preparing the intern for future work in psychology. Additionally, at the end of each rotation, interns are required to submit an evaluation highlighting strengths of the rotation and supervision, along with suggestions for improving the rotation.


Rotation Supervision:

During the Psychology Internship each intern rotates through the aforementioned clinical rotations. While assigned to a rotation, the intern’s clinical work is supervised by a licensed independent provider. All documentation written by an intern is reviewed and signed by the responsible supervisor. High-risk patients (those with significant suicidal or homicidal ideation/plans/threats, or unable to adequately care for themselves) are to be discussed with supervisors and documented PRIOR TO departure of the patient from the clinic or service.

Trans-rotational Supervision:

Each intern is assigned multiple cases to be seen across rotations. Interns will be assigned a faculty supervisor who is responsible for supervising the evaluation, treatment, and documentation for trans-rotational cases. Supervision for trans-rotational cases will be scheduled, although unscheduled supervision for urgent or emergent issues is always available. As stated above, high-risk patients are to be discussed with supervisors and documented PRIOR TO departure of the patient from the clinic or service.