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Introduction: It is the goal of the Navy Clinical Psychology Internship Program to educate and graduate interns. The faculty recognizes its duty to provide special assistance to interns who are having difficulty learning. When an intern is determined to be making insufficient progress, faculty supervisors and the intern involved will cooperatively attempt to find the reasons for the difficulties in order to develop a thoughtful and comprehensive plan for remediation.

Additionally, it is the intent of this policy to separate failure to learn from disciplinary matters. The latter is handled through the WRNMMC chain of command, the Director, WRNMMC, and the Commanding Officer, Navy Element, WRNMMC and may result in formal counseling statements, letters of reprimand, or even non-judicial punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. On the other hand, it is recognized that not all transgressions or ethical violations should be viewed simply as disciplinary matters. Some may be due to ignorance or misunderstanding and therefore legitimately require concurrent remedial training under this training manual, consistent with policy directives from the WRNMMC Professional Education Training Committee (PETC).

1. Acceptable levels of performance on each rotation are established. (See Competency Evaluation forms in Appendix B)

2. Performance criteria will be provided to each intern at the beginning of the internship year via a copy of this Training Manual.

3. The rotation's supervising psychologist will meet with the intern individually for at least two hours weekly. The supervisor will provide verbal feedback outlining the performance against the criteria.

4. Mid-rotation and end-of-rotation evaluations are forwarded by the rotation supervisor to the Program Director and are discussed with the intern.

5. In order to meet internship requirements, all rotations must be satisfactorily completed. Failure to meet criteria satisfactorily for one rotation does not necessarily exclude the intern from the next rotation, but may delay the scheduled graduation from the internship.

6. If unsatisfactory progress is determined by the Program Director, the intern will be placed on a written in-program remediation plan which the intern will be able to review and sign. (Remediation plan for one rotation may continue while the intern is on another rotation.) The Program Director will outline in writing the deficiencies and suggest methods and objectives to regain satisfactory status. A Review will be held 30 days, and then 60 days (if necessary) following the original notification of Remediation Plan (or more frequently if deemed appropriate). Once standards are met, remediation status will be removed, and the intern will be in good standing within the internship.